6″ x 9″ — 118 pages, paperback $10.00, Kindle $2.99
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Dwight Clough has offered us a gift here, a guide to the most important conversation you’ll want to have with your friends. What I Believe About You is an easy on ramp for getting up to road speed with the big questions of life, and acts as a tour guide to finding your meaning and purpose in the designs of a good God. Pick up a copy of this book around a few coffee talks with a friend, and let it propel you into your destiny as a friend of God. ~ Joseph Steinke, 24-7 Prayer Global Team, 24-7prayer.com
I love reading Dwight’s books. He takes deep truths and makes them accessible, engaging, and shareable. I’ve personally distributed over a hundred copies of The Easy Bible to help people who are new to the Jesus story get connected with God’s life-giving word. I’ll use What I Believe About You in a similar way. Buy a copy. Give a copy. Live a copy. This is really good stuff. ~ Pastor Israel Haas, TorrentChurch.com
This book is masterfully and beautifully written, full of wise counsel, filled with life changing applications and is simply a blessing to read. The author brings to the forefront that all knowledge begins with God, His living Word and God’s plans and purposes in our lives. This book will enable every reader to take hold of powerful kingdom truths. ~ J.P. Olson, Journey Into the Word with J.P. Olson, TheWordwithJPOlson.com
This is one of those books that makes you say, “Finally, someone said it!” Dwight pulls back the veil to a life-giving Gospel, breaking it down with stories and illustrations that disarm and empower the reader to see past their brokenness, and into the true reality of Jesus and our identity in Him. If you want to learn how to have conversation about the Gospel without sounding divisive, but with meekness and respect, this is a great way to start! ~ Keith Gilmore
With the same intent and spirit of his Easy Bible series, Dwight Clough invites readers into the simplicity of God’s deep love and affection for his children. What I Believe About You will be an encouragement to all and may be a lifeline to God for those in need of it. ~ Rev. Steve Freitag, Director, CrossCounsel, CrossCounsel.com
When I read your book, I learned a lot about myself from a spiritual perspective. I especially enjoyed the “Top Ten Life Lessons” section. Your book blessed me and gave me a lot to think about my personal relationship with God. Wonderful book!!!! ~ Patty Jean Cyrus, Author, From Farmer to FAME, FromFarmertoFAME.com
You might think that you already know God. Or maybe you’re pretty sure that you don’t. Either way, reading this book could help you to think differently-and perhaps even better-about who God is and what God is like. ~ Brian White
Dwight Clough offers a succinct and useful summary of key themes of the message of God’s grace to everyone. Whether you are a new believer or you have known the gospel message for many years, this friendly and accessible text will draw you into a more joyful and more contagious life in Christ. ~ John Henry, StudentMobilizationCentre.com
Whether you have no grid for this Christianity thing or have lost sight of what is supposed to be so “good” about it, Dwight has a way of unpacking Jesus’ life and motivation with warm clarity. Read this book and you will find a God who is powerful, beautiful, and most of all: mind bending, stomach churning, heart pounding in love with you. ~ Nate Ehresman
This is an excellent book that I can recommend to somebody who is starting out in their faith. ~ Tom Stamman, Impact Ministries International, Tstamman.com
Table of Contents
What I Believe About You
“Prove to Me God Exists”
Good News
What About This Sin Thing?
What Jesus Did for You
Where Does That Leave Us?
Your New Identity
Your Beauty
God’s Purpose in Your Suffering
Learning to Forgive Others
What You Need to Know About Following Jesus
Top Ten Life Lessons
Six Reasons Why I Choose Jesus
When Christian Leaders Disappoint
The Bible: Your GPS
Are You Ready?