The Man from Sun Prairie

6″ x 9″ — 196 pages, paperback $13.95, Kindle $3.49
Preview (pdf)

Save the king.
Rescue the princess.
Find true love.
What could possibly go wrong?



The Man from Sun Prairie is a Christian alternate reality fantasy (think Narnia without the kids and the talking animals) filled with Thurber-style humor (The Secret Life of Walter Mitty). It features Straight Arrow, a marginalized nobody in our world who becomes a national hero (or villain?) in the Kingdom of Arken. Traveling with him is Dove Fogico. Dove carries The Gift: Everyone she touches hears the voice of God.

When Straight Arrow tries to save the life of the president of the United States, everything goes terribly wrong—and magically right. He ends up in the Kingdom of Arken where he saves the life of the king with a Peter Sellers / Pink Panther flavor rescue. But then the king’s daughter turns up missing along with Dove Fogico. All eyes look to to Straight Arrow. Is he a hero? Or an assassin?

Readers should be aware that the book contains nonexplicit references to rape.

Readers from the Madison and Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, USA area will enjoy the local references.

While the story does address some serious issues (e.g., recovery from rape), it’s mostly pure fun. The story comes from inside the mind of the quirky main character. If you share my sense of humor, he’s both hilarious and deeply touching. The book contains Christian content without being preachy or sappy.

One reader wrote, “I laughed, I was inspired, and I was challenged…the humor and adventure cut across many boundaries…I really enjoyed the conversational telling of the story…I felt as though I was sitting on a chair listening to you tell your story…The ending was an interesting surprise…I…enjoyed it thoroughly.”

I was inspired to write this by my wife Kim, who really does carry The Gift. She helps people experience the voice of God in all kinds of creative ways.

NOTE: In my book, I use the word “Indian” instead of “Native American.” That makes some people uncomfortable. In response, let me suggest this video:

I’d like to thank Liza Clough and Alan Clough for modeling for the cover, and Hans Clough for the great cover design.