Starting small


They will greet you and offer you two loaves of bread, which you will accept from them. 1 Samuel 10:4


Saul had just received the startling news. God had appointed him king. Samuel was laying out some predictions to confirm Saul’s new identity. And then, he slips in Saul’s first instruction: “…which you will accept from them.”

God didn’t start by telling Saul to negotiate a treaty or raise an army or build a palace. He started with something simple: Someone is going to offer you a gift—accept it.

While it is true that God has given us an identity as royal sons and daughters of the High King, He knows exactly where we are in our growth toward maturity, and He builds our lives with simple instructions, step-by-step obedience.

Our calling may be great, but God breaks a great life down into moment-by-moment opportunities to say, “Yes, Lord,” to simple instructions.


PS. Our Inner Wealth topic for October 5, 2019 will be “Little known secrets for mind renewal”—an explanation of how we life-transforming paradigm shifts from God. (See Romans 12:2.)

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