Someone needs to learn from you

You have important skills that someone needs to learn from you.

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Here’s a great 39 minute video by Simon Sinek that goes into more detail on this. (Not saying I agree with everything in it; just contains some good stuff.)

The Gift of Your Influence

5 Amazing Possibilities
Possibility #5: Inspire or coach to great achievement

Who out there needs the knowledge and skills you possess?

Think about the skills you use everyday, the skills that make your life work—the list might include leadership, relationship building, driving, writing, child rearing, programming, cooking, researching, or whatever. How did you acquire those skills? Most likely, someone helped you. Someone taught you. Someone coached you.

Using the gift of your influence, you can inspire or coach others to great achievement.

The results can be, literally, life saving. For example, someone taught my wife to be a lifeguard. She was able to rescue a couple swimmers who were in danger. As a result, a people are alive today who might not have made it otherwise.

When you coach or teach others, you can improve the quality of their lives. If you teach someone how to cook, they can make their own delicious meals. Teach someone how to study the Bible, they can learn and grow in the Christian life. If you teach someone the right skills, you might give him or her the power to climb out of poverty.

Multiply your influence. When you teach others what you know, then your influence is multiplied through their lives. Think about the person who taught Billy Graham how to preach!

In my own case, I know about writing and publishing books, so I’m able to teach others how to do that. In addition, my wife and I have skill in transformational prayer ministry, so we’re able to teach others how to do this important ministry that heals hurts and transforms lives. If you’d like more information about this, you may contact me here.


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