Author: DwightClough

How you make the invisible God visible

Did you know that we have the power to make the invisible God visible? Jesus gives us that power in Matthew chapter 5, in the Sermon on the Mount. Here He says, “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. … Therefore, let your light shine before others so they might see your good deeds and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”

Just as light makes hidden things visible, so our good deeds make God visible to people who can’t yet see Him with eyes of faith. It is our acts of kindness, not our arguments or our theological expertise that makes our God visible to our world. More on the video…

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How are you bringing God’s presence into your world?

Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth.”

This is your first of seven transforming identities. Remember that your identity is what you are—NOT what you are trying to be, wish you were, hope to someday be. It is NOT a goal; it is a present tense reality. Your identity is transforming because when you know who you really are, it changes the way you experience life. (Two neat stories about that in the video.)

As the salt of the earth, you help to keep your world from spoiling—from going bad. You make your world a better place. Your presence is good news. Good people are glad to see you. When you walk in a room, things improve.

Why is that? I think it’s because God’s Spirit lives in you. You carry God’s presence with you wherever you go. That opens up a whole world of possibilities for you and for me. More on the video.

So … how are you bringing God’s presence into your world?

Have a super day!

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4 Reasons for you to celebrate being you

Are you able to celebrate you?

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The Gift of Your Influence Day 9
Your 6 Unique Qualifications

Qualification #3: Your Personality—Exactly what God designed for you. Your individuality reflects God’s glory in a unique way.

Qualification #4: Your place in time and space. You are exactly where God wants you, poised to make a difference.

Qualification #5: Your skills, talents, and gifts—designed to make a difference.

Qualification #6: Your birth attributes—open up access and establish credibility in your world.


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Why your biggest challenge might be your biggest advantage

We each face huge challenges. But, in the place of our deepest pain, God can do the most amazing work. Enjoy the video!

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The Gift of Your Influence
Your 6 Unique Qualifications
Qualification #2: Your life challenges

On July 30, 1967 a 17-year-old girl dove into the waters of the Chesapeake Bay. Misjudging the depth, her head slammed into the bottom of the bay, her neck was broken, leaving her without the use of her arms and legs. She was trapped inside her own body, a prisoner of paralysis. She writes, “There I was lying in the hospital bed in the summer of 1967…. In my pain and despair, I had begged many of my friends to assist me in suicide. … begging my friends to slit my wrists, dump pills down my throat, anything to end my misery. …”

As it turns out, this young woman did not commit suicide. Instead, she went on to author 50 books, receive dozens of national and international awards, and become one of the most influential Christians of all time. I’m talking of course about Joni Eareckson Tada. Her life challenges became her platform, giving her instant credibility with millions of people worldwide.

The same could be said of Nick Vujicic (Voy Chech) who was born in Melbourne, Australia in 1982 with no arms or legs. We could say, “What a horrible tragedy!” But he isn’t saying that. He’s busy traveling the world, speaking to audiences, helping them find a way beyond the obstacles they face. On top of that, he’s the star of my favorite short movie, Butterfly Circus. Check it out here.

Sometimes our life challenges are the result of our own bad choices. But God can redeem even these life challenges and use them for good if we place them in His hands. A good example would be Charles Colson of Watergate fame. On June 21, 1974, he was sentenced to prison. But out of that sentence came a worldwide prison ministry called Prison Fellowship, 30 books, and numerous awards. As a result, thousands of prisoners and their families have found hope, help, and healing.

Whatever your life challenges are—poverty, addiction, abuse, loss, cancer, homelessness, disability, incarceration, or whatever—they can be part of your unique qualifications to make an eternal difference for good in the lives of others.

But you need to go to God and get the grace He has for you in the place of your life challenge. In our places of greatest pain, we can meet most meaningfully with God and receive the greatest healing.

Here’s why:

1. Empathy. Joni Eareckson Tada barely noticed people with disabilities before her accident. Now her whole ministry is built around people with disabilities. When you’ve experienced pain, you can empathize with others who have experienced that same kind of pain.

2. Credibility. I could talk to people with disabilities about rising above their circumstances. But I start with zero credibility. However, I can talk to people who are going through bankruptcy because I went through bankruptcy. Your life challenges give you credibility with people who have gone through similar life circumstances.

3. Message. Your life challenges can help formulate your message. Here’s where God needs to be a big, big part of the equation. We gotta take our hurts to God for healing. We gotta put our setbacks in His hands. We gotta keep coming back to Him and listening to Him until we get what we need that’s gonna transform us. Without God changing us, we have nothing to offer our world. God must meet us in our place of need if we’re gonna take Jesus to the place of need in our world. Find your fulfillment in God (not in ministry) so you have something of value to offer those in need.

4. Platform. Your life challenges help define who you’re gonna reach. They give you access to a group of people. They give you instant understanding and almost instant rapport. As Christian Comedian Michael Jr. says, “Your setbacks become your set up.”


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What are you doing with your circles of influence?

What are you doing with your circles of influence? No one else has the influence you have!

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The Gift of Your Influence
Your 6 Unique Qualifications
Qualification #1: Your circles of influence

Your 6 Unique Qualifications make you the best person to change your world. This is why you are irreplaceable. No one else in the world or in the history of humanity is positioned to make the difference you are designed to make.

Your unique qualification #1: Your circles of influence

Anything you do—positive or negative—has a huge impact on the people closest to you—your family, close friends, coworkers. This is wonderful news because any improvement you make to your life will be felt by those closest to you.

You have established credibility with the people closest to you. But, even if you’ve blown your credibility in those close relationships, the steps you take to repair the damage will eventually turn that influence around for the good. If your life changes—genuinely changes—the people closest to you are going to notice first.

If you have no close relationships, then job #1 for you is building those relationships. Learn everything you can about building friendships, join a church small group, invest in the lives of other people.

If the people closest to you are toxic, then prudence, of course, dictates that you distance yourself from them. You don’t walk back into an abusive relationship. Get help. Get healing. Learn whatever life lessons need to be learned. Then move on, and develop new healthy relationships.

No one else is positioned exactly where you are with your circles of influence. I can’t take your place; nobody can.


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Someone needs to learn from you

You have important skills that someone needs to learn from you.

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Here’s a great 39 minute video by Simon Sinek that goes into more detail on this. (Not saying I agree with everything in it; just contains some good stuff.)

The Gift of Your Influence

5 Amazing Possibilities
Possibility #5: Inspire or coach to great achievement

Who out there needs the knowledge and skills you possess?

Think about the skills you use everyday, the skills that make your life work—the list might include leadership, relationship building, driving, writing, child rearing, programming, cooking, researching, or whatever. How did you acquire those skills? Most likely, someone helped you. Someone taught you. Someone coached you.

Using the gift of your influence, you can inspire or coach others to great achievement.

The results can be, literally, life saving. For example, someone taught my wife to be a lifeguard. She was able to rescue a couple swimmers who were in danger. As a result, a people are alive today who might not have made it otherwise.

When you coach or teach others, you can improve the quality of their lives. If you teach someone how to cook, they can make their own delicious meals. Teach someone how to study the Bible, they can learn and grow in the Christian life. If you teach someone the right skills, you might give him or her the power to climb out of poverty.

Multiply your influence. When you teach others what you know, then your influence is multiplied through their lives. Think about the person who taught Billy Graham how to preach!

In my own case, I know about writing and publishing books, so I’m able to teach others how to do that. In addition, my wife and I have skill in transformational prayer ministry, so we’re able to teach others how to do this important ministry that heals hurts and transforms lives. If you’d like more information about this, you may contact me here.


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Are you making the right connections?

Are you making the right connections? It’s amazing what can happen when you bring people together!

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The Gift of Your Influence

5 Amazing Possibilities
Possibility #4: Making connections

People out there need you to connect them with someone who can enrich their lives.

Part of wisely using the gift of your influence is realizing you can’t be all things to all people. In fact, often one of the best things you can do for someone is to introduce that person to someone else. Someone else may have the skills, the resources, the personality, the vision your friends need to flourish.

I love connecting people.

You never know what will happen when you put two people together. One of the connections I made resulted in a business more than tripling in size and creating a beautiful work environment where people with Christian values can flourish. Another connection I made helped to bring about the end of a fifty year civil war. (More on that on the video.)

Be generous with your connections. Look for opportunities to put people together who can advance God’s kingdom.


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How do we fix what is broken in our world?

First … for those who receive this blog via email, I am so sorry the links didn’t work in yesterday’s email. Here are the links to yesterday’s video:

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How do we fix what is broken in our world?

Here’s how you can use the gift of your influence to bring healing and repair to things that are broken.

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The Gift of Your Influence

5 Amazing Possibilities
Possibility #3: Fixing things that are broken

If you’ve ever experienced panic attacks, you know how disabling they can be. You also know how hard they are to overcome. Like a childhood bully who’s a head taller than everyone else on the playground, panic attacks can feel like a frightening monster from whom there is no escape.

When my wife started experiencing panic attacks, we tried everything that a Christian would normally try to deal with them. What we tried helped a little, but not very much. Then we discovered a new type of prayer ministry that helped with panic attacks. We met with Steve Freitag. After Steve prayed with Kim, Kim’s panic went from a 9 to a 1.

Our lives and our world are filled with things that are broken, and panic attacks are just one of many examples. Sometimes marriages are broken. Friendships are fractured. Addictions, anger, poverty, oppression, corruption, injustice, and many other ills plague humanity. But you can be the doctor that brings healing, the mechanic that puts things back together.

And this is what God is all about. God is about redemption and repair. Our world is messed up; God is fixing things; we get to help.

The Gift of Your Influence can repair things that are broken.

It might be a literal thing that you fix. When my lawnmower was conking out, my neighbor invited me over, lifted my lawnmower onto his workbench, took it completely apart, found the problem, fixed it, and put it back together. Wow! Talk about improving the quality of my life!

You might fix a broken relationship. As followers of Jesus Christ, that is what we do. We repair relationships.

You might help break the chains of addiction, or a put back together a soul fractured by abuse. You might bring healing to an entire community or fix a disabled system.

Remember, you can be the answer to someone’s prayer.


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How do you help others experience God?

How do you help others experience God? One of the ways in which the gift of your influence makes a difference in your world is this: You help others experience the love of God.

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More on this topic below the image:

The Gift of Your Influence: 5 Amazing Possibilities

Possibility #2 Experience

Who is the nicest person you’ve ever met?

For me, that’s a pretty simple answer. My grandma.

When I was two years old, my dad was deployed by the military to Japan. My mom, my brother, and I remained here in the US. My mom, saddled with the need to work and yet care for two very small children, did the only thing that made sense at the time; she moved us back to her parents’ farm. There she went to work every day, and my grandfather went out to work the fields every day. That left my brother and me at home with my grandma.

It was one of the best things that ever happened to me. From my grandma I learned some very important life lessons. Like some people are safe. Some people are kind. Some people are gentle. Some people can be trusted. It was clear to me that my grandma loved Jesus with all her heart—that was clear before I really even knew who Jesus was.

What did my grandma do? She used the gift of her influence to help me experience the love of God. While many of us believe that God loves us, that love remains abstract, theological, theoretical—unless and until someone comes into our lives to show us what that love is all about.

In my case, if it hadn’t been for my grandma, I don’t know that I ever would have said yes to Jesus. She made Jesus attractive to me.

Your world is filled with people who need to experience the love of God. The gift of your influence can make that possible. What will that look like? It might look like homemade bread toasted with butter and sugar given to a four year old child. Or it might mean a kind word, a meal, groceries, a long walk, a day fishing. It might mean you advocate for them, protect them, watch out for their interests in a world where everyone is looking out for #1. It might mean that your provide a safe place. In some cases, it means you hurt with those who hurt, you celebrate with those who celebrate. It may mean that you make sacrifices for them, little sacrifices, or maybe big sacrifices.

When Jesus walks in a room, everything changes. There are over seven billion people on this earth. Is Jesus physically present with each? No. Instead, He sends you. You are His body. You are His representative. You are His physical presence in someone’s life. You convey His love to the people in your world.

How do the people in your world discover that God is good? How do they experience God’s love? They experience it through you, through the gift of your influence.


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