Forgiving that supervisor

I was shopping with my young adult daughters a few weeks ago when one of them started sharing about some difficulties she had experienced at work with her supervisor.

Feeling protective as a dad, I went home and stewed for a while, angry with the supervisor. I knew I needed to forgive her, so I started processing my feelings with God. As I was doing that, I remembered a run in I had with the same supervisor many months earlier. I thought I had dealt with it, and then I realized I was still angry.

Here’s a four-minute video explaining how I processed that, and/or read on…

So I went to God to get His perspective. I knew I would need it in order to forgive. He shared two things with me:

(1) “I am training your daughter.” Anybody else could have said that to me, and it would have made zero difference. But when Jesus said it, it was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I didn’t need to protect my daughter by getting angry with the supervisor. God had everything under control.

(2) About the run in I had with the supervisor, the Spirit of God spoke to me: “She didn’t have the big picture in view.” Okay, I could understand that. Often I do stupid things when I don’t have all the facts or have a handle on the big picture. With this perspective, I was able to release her and forgive her.

In my life, I’ve found it virtually impossible to forgive unless and until I get God’s perspective on things. Once I do, then it becomes easy. How about you?

If you’d like more information on forgiving others, we will be covering this topic with our Inner Wealth subscribers, and I do offer an online course in how to forgive.

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