Author: DwightClough

Top ten life lessons #1

#01 top ten
#1 Someday you and I stand before God

Compared to that, all other things shrink into insignificance. That defines our existence and determines our priorities. Someday, I will be on the other side waiting for you. Heaven will not be complete for me until you are there.

Remember, you are designed to make a difference!


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Top ten life lessons #2

#02 top ten
#2 We really only have one power: to say yes (or no) to God

Find the door where Jesus is knocking, and let Him in. I’ll give you a hint. Usually the door is where the pain is. Invite Him in, and watch everything change. This is how you start the Christian life, and this is how you continue it. You fling every door open, and invite Jesus all the way in to be whoever He wants to be.

Remember, you are designed to make a difference!


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Top ten life lessons #3

#03 top ten
#3 Know who you are

You are a royal son or daughter of God—loved by God, designed to make a difference, created to live forever, indestructible, undefeatable. That’s the real you. That’s the you that lives forever. The Bible tells you how the real you operates. What does a rock star do? He acts like a rock star. How does a Navy Seal operate? He operates according to his identity. You also are invited to act according to your identity. When you can’t, when you feel drawn to some other experience or behavior, it’s time to go back to God and say, “Something inside is broken. Could You please fix it for me?”

Remember, you are designed to make a difference!


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Top ten life lessons #4

#04 top ten
#4 You are at war whether you know it or not

Your enemy’s main line of attack is deception. He will tell you lies about who you are, who God is, what your world is really like. He doesn’t lie to you because he is your friend; but he will do everything in his power to make you believe that your friends are your enemies, and your enemies are your friends. Your enemy will try to corrupt all of your God-given desires and use them as a weapon against you, but God satisfies your desires with good things. (Psalm 103) Your best line of defense is to take every doubt, every temptation to Jesus and get from Him the truth that sets you free. (See John 8:32.)

Remember, you are designed to make a difference!


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Top ten life lessons #5

#05 top ten
#5 Dream big, and every day take a small step toward your dreams

You have a great big God inside you, and He has no small plans for you. You were designed to make a difference. You have the power to make an eternal difference for good in many lives; use your influence wisely. But don’t just daydream; take action. You don’t get from here to there without moving. It may be a small step, but after you take it, you’ll be closer to where you want to be. We crawl before we walk; we walk before we run. So take the small step today; take it now.

Remember, you are designed to make a difference!


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Top ten life lessons #6

#06 top ten
#6 In times of trouble, turn to God

Every challenge, every trial, every tragedy can be an opportunity for God, if you allow it to be. Yes, it hurts. Feel the pain, and hold it up to God. Keep doing that until He brings you through. Something good is waiting for you on the other side.

I don’t like pain, but I know it comes into our lives. For years I prayed, “God, give me maximum mileage out of my misery.” I don’t want to suffer any more than I have to. Trials can turn you sweet or bitter, and it all hinges on one thing: which direction you run.

Run to God.

Remember, you are designed to make a difference!


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Top ten life lessons #8

#08 top ten
#8 Learn to listen

Teachable people get to their dreams ten times faster than unteachable people. Everyone can teach you something, if you are willing to humble yourself and listen. Wisdom is like an Easter Egg hunt; God hides it in unexpected places. Listen to people that the world shoves aside. Listen to people who disagree with you. Listen to people who are too old and too young, too rich and too poor, and, yes, too clueless. If you do, you will walk away a wiser person.

Remember, you are designed to make a difference!


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Top ten life lessons #9

#09 top ten
#9 Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you care

Drink deep from the love of God so that you will have the power to see others through His eyes. You and I have great ideas that will make our world a better place. Those ideas get unleashed as we learn to care.

Remember, you are designed to make a difference!


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Top Ten Life Lessons #10

#10 top ten
#10 Today, by your actions, you will demonstrate whether you are ready for a promotion in life or not

You may not be in the circumstances you want to be in, but the key to moving forward is to be faithful where you are. You may not like the task that has been given to you, but how you perform it reveals your character. Do you accept it as an opportunity to show your love for God?

From the Bible:
Whatever task you’ve been given, give it your best, because you’re not working for men; you’re working for God. Colossians 3:23 The Easy Bible

Remember, you are designed to make a difference!


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