

“Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.” 1 Samuel 3:9


I’m trying to learn to listen—to my wife, to my children, to people around me—especially to the “little people” who don’t have a platform anywhere else. It’s easy for me to be preoccupied, to think that I’m busy, to go ahead with the next task instead of focusing on the person who is speaking to me.

In the days of Eli, the word of the Lord was rare (verse 1). Maybe it was because no one was really listening.

I want to give my God the gift of listening. Whether He speaks through His word, or quietly in my heart, or through something a four year old says, I want to hear it.

God help us to listen!


PS. What drives addiction? How can we overcome life-controlling issues? On 9/14/2019, our Inner Wealth topic will be overcoming addiction.

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