Are you making the right connections?

Are you making the right connections? It’s amazing what can happen when you bring people together!

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The Gift of Your Influence

5 Amazing Possibilities
Possibility #4: Making connections

People out there need you to connect them with someone who can enrich their lives.

Part of wisely using the gift of your influence is realizing you can’t be all things to all people. In fact, often one of the best things you can do for someone is to introduce that person to someone else. Someone else may have the skills, the resources, the personality, the vision your friends need to flourish.

I love connecting people.

You never know what will happen when you put two people together. One of the connections I made resulted in a business more than tripling in size and creating a beautiful work environment where people with Christian values can flourish. Another connection I made helped to bring about the end of a fifty year civil war. (More on that on the video.)

Be generous with your connections. Look for opportunities to put people together who can advance God’s kingdom.


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