It will all make sense

Being a good man, Joseph didn’t want to publicly disgrace Mary, so he was pondering how to break things off quietly. Matthew 1:19 DCP

As we unwrap the package of life, sometimes we panic, look for the receipt, and try to find a way to take it back to the store for refund or exchange.

Let’s face it: Sometimes God’s will doesn’t make any sense to us. We want smooth waters, but God sends a storm. Joseph was bewildered. He felt betrayed. His world was crashing down, and he was looking for a way out.

But we need to keep in mind that God’s will takes into account all the elements, even our bewilderment. Joseph here had the good sense not to make a public scene, and, in so doing, he left room for God to work.

God sees your confusion and mine. He knows that His ways often make no sense to us. Let the plan of God unfold—there is more to come, and it will all make sense in the end.

This is an excerpt from my latest book, A Beautiful Christmas. There’s a video that goes with the book that I think you’ll love. (Scroll down when you get to the page.)

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