“I want to change, but I can’t!” (part 3 of 5)

The growth process:
Step #1: Getting past “I don’t need to change.”
Step #2: Getting past “I can do it on my own.”
Step #3: Getting past “I want to change, but I can’t.”

While we each technically only have one mind, it’s helpful to think of our minds as having several parts. Part of my mind wants to do the right thing. For sure. If that wasn’t so, I’d still be stuck at Step #1. But part of my mind does NOT want to change. If I don’t figure out what’s going on with this part of my mind, I will never change.

If we’re going to change and grow, we need to take a close look at that part of us that resists that change and growth. What does that part of your mind believe will happen if you change? What do you lose? What do you give up?

It’s important that we take our time with this and look at whatever FEELS true, even if we know it isn’t true, even if it’s ridiculous. These beliefs are often connected with defining moments in our lives, often with events that happened when we were young and still figuring out how our world works.

This is where we need the intervention of Jesus.

More next time, and this is a topic I cover in detail in my course, Spiritual Self Defense.

Ice cave image: Giuseppe Milo, Flickr, Creative Commons

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