How the royal family thinks


[Jesus] said to them, “Then give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” Luke 20:25


If you want to know the truth, Caesar ends up on the short end of the deal. He can collect all the taxes he wants, but God gets everything of eternal value.

Put another way, there’s really no competition here. God is in a totally different league. He’s after the human heart, and He can have it whether Caesar takes the pocketbook or not.

Again and again, Jesus brings the eternal perspective into focus. He doesn’t dismiss the need to live in the here and now, but shows us how the royal family thinks, how “presidential” we are, how unconcerned we are with the trifling matters that can never get in the way of the eternal purposes of God.


PS. On 6/29/2019 in Inner Wealth I share clear and specific instruction on how to experience the transformation God desires for you. I also explain how to help someone else go through this process of transformation. I will be explaining the TPM (Transformation Ministry Process) as recently updated by Dr. Ed Smith. You will get a clear and concise explanation of a process that you should be able to use whether you are a TPM veteran or brand new to this type of transformation.

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