Your story matters

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The world needs to hear your story. The people of God need to hear your story. Never underestimate the value or importance of the work God has done in your life. Your story matters. Your life is worth celebrating because God treasures you. He is at work in you.

When we hear your story, we gain the courage and the tools to experience God for ourselves. You show us the way, because God has taken you to places that only you can convey.

In the end, God’s glory will be revealed in you.

Today from the Bible:
Let those who have been rescued by God tell their story. Psalm 107:2 The Easy Bible


Remember, you are designed to make a difference!


PS. I’m putting together a book of stories of how God showed up in the lives of real people. Maybe God would use your story to encourage others by its inclusion in the book. Details here.

Photo credit: Adapted from a photo by Ian Svendsplass, Flickr, Creative Commons License

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