What we all have in common

This is what we all have in common. We all have a line in our hearts. On one side, we’ve said “yes” to Jesus. On the other, we have not yet said “yes.”

Christians love to camp out on the yes side, and we’d like to pretend the no side doesn’t exist. We sometimes hope that if we ignore the no side long enough, it will just go away.

But it doesn’t work that way. God and our enemy are allied in this one thing: they both take us over to the no side. The enemy takes us over there to destroy us. God takes us over there to transform us.

The only way we grow is to move the line so a bigger portion of our heart says “yes.” That means we need to come out of denial, face the next “no,” and figure out why we can’t say “yes.”

Why can’t we say yes? What are the reasons?

Those reasons matter. They are lies. When we hold those reasons up to Jesus, He gives us the truth that sets us free (John 8:32). When the why gets fixed, turning a no to a yes is easy.

Remember, you are designed to make a difference!


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