What does peace mean to you?

04 06 26 Peace
What does peace mean to you?

Peace is a simple word, but it evokes in each of us a different story, a different search. For me, peace means I can actually relax. That may sound hedonistic to some, but I’ll stand by that answer. For years I was tense day and night, waking and sleeping. Peace means I no longer shake when I’m sitting at a kitchen table. I’m no longer tense when I sit down to talk to someone. I don’t feel the need to drive fast, cut off other drivers and get out in front. I can laugh at myself, and I’m usually okay even if someone else joins in the laughter. Peace means I’m not looking over my shoulder any more. It means that I enjoy my wife and kids, and things that made me blow up or sit up until three in the morning just aren’t issues for me any more.

Because of God’s work in my life, peace is spreading through my soul. Yes, there is still unconquered territory of fear and shame—but I’ve tasted what the LORD brings and I like it.

What about you? What is the journey into peace looking like for you?

From the Bible:
The LORD turn His face toward you
and give you peace.

Numbers 6:26

Remember, you are designed to make a difference!


Photo credits: Flower meme adapted from photo by Moyan Brenn, Flickr, Creative Commons License, girl photo meme adapted from a photo by Hans Clough

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