Join the adventure

… the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. “Get up,” He said, “take the child and His mother and escape …” Matthew 2:13

I like to play chess with my brother, even though he is a much better player than I am. I plan out how I’m going to trap him, and sometimes he plays along. He lets me trap him. But what I don’t realize is that when the trap is over, his pieces will be exactly where he wants them to be and his position will be stronger than ever.

Herod tries to trap God’s Messiah. Sometimes you wonder how people can get these ideas in their heads. Herod genuinely thought he could eliminate God’s Son?

God brings the Magi along to finance a trip to Egypt. He lets Herod spring his trap, and the outcome puts everything exactly where God wants it to be.

How much notice did Joseph get? About 20 minutes. Joseph didn’t need to know any sooner. Sometimes it will be the same with us. God has a plan, but He might not tell us what it is until He’s ready for us to do something. God has already done the hard work. He’s figured out the winning strategy. All we have to do is join the adventure when He taps us on the shoulder.

Bible trivia:
Answer from last time: At the Kerith Ravine (Cherith Brook) the ravens fed Elijah.
New question: According to the Bible, what do the serpent and the donkey have in common?

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