How to fix unanswered prayer

I suspect we’ve all been there. We’ve asked God for something—something we really need, something we really want. And we didn’t get the answer we were hoping for—at least not in the time frame that made sense to us.

How do you fix unanswered prayer?

I first want to acknowledge that this is a very painful topic for some people, and maybe for all of us in certain seasons in our lives. It hurts when we don’t get what we want. I’ve prayed for healing for family members and friends, for example, but the healing I prayed for didn’t take place.

If that’s you, I’m asking God to meet with you soon, perhaps today, to bring comfort, wisdom, encouragement, whatever you need.

I also want to say that my wife objects to the title of this post. “God always answers prayer,” she says.

And she’s right, of course. But there are things we can do so that our hearts and minds are lining up with God’s heart and mind, and we can position ourselves to receive from God.

I can think of more than a dozen things we can (and should) do. But rather than list and explain them all here (that would probably take 20+ pages), let me direct you to two resources I hope you’ll find helpful:

#1 Here’s a video “How to fix unanswered prayer.” Yes, it’s long, but I hopefully it will answer a whole pile of questions.

#2 Here’s a printable checklist you can use to help you pray and get the answers you’re hoping for.

Hope all of this is helpful and encouraging to you!

Many blessings!


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