How to fix everything with the presence of Jesus

Four decades ago, my life was a mess. We had money problems, marriage issues, mental health stress. I desperately wanted help, but instead of getting help at church, I was being threatened with excommunication.


I went to Christians to try to get answers, but the only answers they had were: pray about it and try harder.

This sent me on an odyssey of discovery where I needed to dig in with God and find the answers nobody else seemed to have. And the path was not easy. It took me through bankruptcy, hunger, homelessness, rejection, cancer, and more, but along the way, God was kind to me, and He showed up, and showed me how to go beyond platitudes and get the answers from Him that work in real life.

About a year and half ago, God spoke to me and asked me to put those answers in a book. “I want you to write a book,” He said, “a book on how to fix everything.”

So here it is. Brand new. Just hit Amazon yesterday. Here’s the link…

A few people read it and said nice things. Here’s what my friend Steve Roller said:

Life hack: Open to any random page in How to Fix Everything. Read it. Do what it says. Next day, do the same. Or read the entire book in one sitting and soak it in. I have never seen a book so profound and so simple at the same time. It won’t solve the world’s problems (but it might be a start). It will solve yours. Do yourself a favor and get it today.

And listen, can you do me a favor, please? If you do get the book and you do like it, would you please consider leaving a review on Amazon. Your review—much more than anything I can do—helps get this book into the hands of people who can benefit from it.

Many thanks!


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