How the Kingdom of God fixes everything

Many are threatened by the Kingdom of God because it messes with their private utopia—the one they are trying to force onto the rest of humanity.

Pause and let that sink in.

The Kingdom of God is measured first by how much real estate God occupies in your soul and in mine. When God’s “market share” within increases, life improves. We calm way down. We are happier; the technical term is “joy.” We feel gratitude, and we look around at our fellow human beings with wonder, respect, compassion.

People say religion should be private, but no, God cannot be confined by the borders of our inner selves. He will break out. From that home base, He will venture forth to transform our relationships.

We will make amends. We will forgive. We will repair relationships. As our own souls travel further into the transformation the presence of Christ necessarily produces, our addiction to dysfunctional relationships falls away. We bring Jesus—and with Him—understanding, respect, trust, and love into marriage, family, and friendship. Health comes to all these relationships.

The abuse and misuse of power is pandemic in our world. But as our relationships improve, so does our management of power. As we get to know God as He really is, the cure for the misuse of power comes more and more into focus.

It becomes clear to us that politics and economics cannot bring salvation, but salvation will transform politics and economics.

It starts within. It starts by finding that line inside your heart where you haven’t yet said yes to God, and figuring out why.

Jesus, I would say yes to You here, but…

What do You want me to know?

It comes down to this: Who should be the architect of a transformed world? If you want it to be you, then you don’t need God. You will think you are bringing salvation to mankind and in the end six million Jews will die, or 100 million will die in gulags and labor camps. If you want it to be God, then put your money where your mouth is, and let Him come in and design the utopia for the inside of your soul first before you dare fix even one other human being.


BTW, the picture is Kim and me on that boardwalk along the lake between Madison and McFarland on a beautiful November day.

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