Author: DwightClough

What is the best thing you can do for your world?

What is the best thing you can do for your world?

I asked that question on Facebook and I got some good answers.

What do you think? What is the best thing you can do for your world*?

I posted a video where I looked at nine different things you could do for your world:

#1 Get involved in politics
#2 Donate to a good cause
#3 Volunteer or go on a short term missions trip
#4 Add value with your work or your business
#5 Preach the gospel—the big gospel, the one where Jesus changes everything that went wrong
#6 Follow Jesus—be an example, be the best version of yourself (thanks, Dana!)
#7 Be kind—see the opportunity that is right in front of you, Golden Rule, Matthew 25
#8 Pray—I talked about “drive by” prayers among other things
#9 Love—the 1 Corinthians 13 prescription… (and I shared that buffet story)

But I think there’s something even more foundational and important, something we all need to do first if we really want to make our world a better place.

Do you know what it is?

Can you guess?

I believe the best thing you can do for your world is let yourself be loved by God.

Here’s why. We love because God loved us. (1 John 4:19) When we experience the love of God, it transforms us. It changes us. It makes us into better people. It takes the mean and ornery away and replaces it with kindness, with wisdom, with grace, with the power to use our influence for good and not for evil.

More in the video. Here’s the link

Have a fantastic week!


(*The John 3:16 world, not the 1 John 2:16 world.)
Image: collage from images…

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Politics, anger, and you (and me)

If you’re like most people, you’re probably not real happy with what’s happening on the political scene. I want to share with you something you can quietly do to make a difference—something different than what you might suspect.

Disclaimer: This post might make you angry. It might make you angry at me. That’s not my intention, but it might happen.

Anger is everywhere, it seems. With our eyes glued to our screens and our ears plugged into our devices, what do we see and hear? Protesters and counter protesters screaming at one another, with these demonstrations sometimes bubbling over into violence—a thinly disguised rehearsal for civil war. We are told again and again that the enemy (that is, the political party you vote against) is responsible for one injustice after another, that the enemy must be stopped at all costs or the world as we know it will end.

You and I have been so conditioned to anger by our culture that it’s hard to imagine that there could be an alternative.

And it’s hard to stop and figure out what game they’re really playing.

Do you know who loves it when you and I are angry?

The media loves it. Our anger brings us back to the screen for more. It translates into views, ratings, and money. It fuels a nationwide addiction to their brand of journalism. It puts money into the pockets of journalists and commentators. The more angry they can get us, the happier and wealthier they become.

Politicians love it. Our anger translates into votes. Many politicians love power, and they will happily surf the tide of our anger into greater and greater power.

If we let them.

Without anger, there would be no Hitler, no Stalin, no Mao. They needed the anger of ordinary people like you and me to work their way into power. The more the anger, the happier a tyrant will be.

“But, Dwight,” I hear you say, “what about the injustices in our world?”

Yep. You’re right. There are injustices. Glaring injustices. And most of them, you and I don’t even know about because they don’t fit the narrative of the people who are trying to control how we think and how we vote.

And do you know who is angry about all these injustices?

God Himself.

“But Dwight,” I hear you say, “if God is angry, shouldn’t we be angry too?”

Not exactly. And this is where we stumble.

Again and again, the Bible warns us not to take our unfiltered human anger out into our world and attempt to do something good with it. It won’t work. It will backfire. It will create more problems than it will solve.

Here are a few examples:

“Do not fret because of those who are evil… Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil.” Psalm 37:1a,8 NIV

“Mockers stir up a city, but the wise turn away anger.” Proverbs 29:8 NIV

“‘In your anger do not sin’: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.” Ephesians 4:26-27 NIV

“I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.” 1 Timothy 2:8 NIV

“Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.” James 1:19b-20 NIV

“Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.” Romans 12:14 NIV

“For as churning cream produces butter, and as twisting the nose produces blood, so stirring up anger produces strife.” Proverbs 30:33 NIV

“Do not be quickly provoked in your spirit, for anger resides in the lap of fools.” Ecclesiastes 7:9 NIV

“[Love] is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.” 1 Corinthians 13:5 NIV

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger…” Ephesians 4:31a NIV

So what do we do? We’re confronted with injustice. The only possible human response is anger. What do we do?

Take that anger to God. Let Him turn it into something useful.

Let me show you how:

“God, I’m angry because…” [and fill in the blank]

Pour it all out.

Then: What do You want me to know.

And wait.

What you’re waiting for is two things: peace and clarity. When you’re finished doing business with God, you will walk away with inner peace. If you don’t have that inner peace, you’re not ready to do anything. Once you have it, God will also give you a clear idea of what He wants you to do. Maybe God wants you to volunteer. Maybe God wants you to start a ministry or a movement. Maybe God wants you to pray or to give money to a person or an organization. Maybe He wants you to do exactly nothing; just rest in the assurance that God has seen what you’ve seen, He knows what to do, and, at the right time, He will do it.

To be fair, I have my moments. There are times when I get angry too, and I need to do exactly what I’ve prescribed here.

I urge you to join me: Don’t be a pawn in their game. Let’s bring our anger to God.

When we do, we position ourselves to make the maximum difference for good.

This post is also available as a video.

Have a fantastic day!


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7 words that changed my life

When you have a problem in your life, how do you fix it? Do you consult a mentor? Do you call a friend? Do you go online and try to find an answer?

What about when you have problems you can’t even talk about? What do you do then?

If you and I were forced to list all the trials we’ve faced in life, what would those lists look like? And what if we had to be honest about the emotions that came up as we waded through one mess after another? Have you ever felt all alone? Terrified? Deeply embarrassed? Angry? Hurt? Completely misunderstood?

I certainly have. All those and many more.

Considering the total weight of everything that’s gone wrong in my life, I guess I could be a bitter, angry old man.

But I’m not.

And I’d like to tell you why.

Twenty-four years ago, I discovered seven words that changed my life. Those words are a simple prayer that I pray multiple times every day.

Are you ready?

Here it is:

“What do You want me to know?”

Simple, huh?

Yeah, but for me, it has changed everything.

Let me give you an example: I was 60 days behind on my mortgage. I had no safety net. None. No savings. No unemployment. No income coming in. No rich uncle to call on. No prospects of any money. Clients had fallen through; my business was going nowhere. And the phone calls from the bank were turning nasty.

I knew God could provide, but I was convinced He wouldn’t. I had screwed up somehow, and now God was going to force me to live with the consequences. Soon, my wife and I and our four little children would be out on street, homeless. I had no backup plan. I was nailed to the wall.

I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t think straight. I couldn’t work. I was a mess.

It took me back to when I was a kid. Eight years old. My dad was deployed by the Air Force to a remote air station above the arctic circle. No family allowed. Gone for a year. While he was gone, I wanted to pretend that I could build things just like my dad. So I went out to the garage and borrowed his hand tools to make what I could make.

There was just one problem. My dad was persnickety about how his tools were to be put away, and I didn’t understand his system. The day of his return was looming, and instead of being excited about his return, I was terrified.

Are you ready? Here was my prayer:

“What do You want me to know?”

I waited for an answer, and here’s the answer God gave me:

“Dwight, your dad did the best he could with the parenting tools that were in his parenting toolbox. But I’m a different kind of dad, and I have different tools in my parenting toolbox. When you make a mistake, I don’t leave you. Instead, I come alongside you and coach you, and show you what you need to do.”


That changed everything for me. God wasn’t angry with me. He was going to help me.

My stress level went from 98 to nearly zero. I could finally sleep. During the day, I could focus. I was not only at peace, I was excited. God was going to help me!

And, yeah, for about two weeks, nothing happened. We were completely broke, trying to survive on nothing. But we were fine. God was going to show us the way out. And the way out came. I honestly don’t even remember how. A new client, or some other breakthrough. We got our mortgage and all our other bills paid and up to date, and we went on with life.

Something “magical” happens when you ask God directly what He wants you to know. It’s hard to explain until you’ve experienced it. I’ve experienced hundreds of “aha” moments, paradigm shifts, complete changes of perspective, where suddenly God’s heart and God’s mind become clear, and I discover deep inside what I thought I knew all along:

God is good. Because God is good, I’m okay.

More in a video I recently posted: A simple hack that fixes everything. Here’s the link:

Have a super week!


PS. Pic: Me next to Lake Michigan in Door County Saturday morning at 5 am after getting zero sleep the night before

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How do you forgive someone you don’t feel like forgiving?

Forgiving other people who have hurt us is never easy—I struggle with it just like you do. But it is important. God commands it so we can be free of bitterness and resentment. All the citizens of heaven have forgiven one another, so we cannot live there until we forgive.

But let’s first clear up some misconceptions:

Forgiving does not mean we condone the offense. Sin is sin, and forgiving someone who sins against us does not make their sin okay. Forgiving someone does not exempt them from appropriate legal consequences. Nor does it exempt them from the need to repent before God. Forgiving is not a way to minimize or explain away the offense.

Forgiving does not invite an abuser back into our lives. If, for example, you are a victim of domestic violence, forgiving does not mean you invite the perpetrator to come back and assault you all over again. Forgiving makes reconciliation possible, but reconciliation cannot take place until trust is restored.

When we forgive, we give our anger and our quest for justice over to God and trust Him to take care of it. When we forgive, we are in essence saying to the offender: I don’t need anything from you in order to be okay; God is the one who makes me okay. (And, no, it’s not always necessary to tell the offender that you have forgiven him or her.)

With all that in mind, I want to suggest a simple hack that might help you forgive someone you don’t feel like forgiving:

Find a quiet place where you can be alone and uninterrupted, and complete this sentence:

Father in Heaven, I would forgive, but…

The key here is to be 100% honest with yourself and with God—even if the rest of the sentence sounds crazy to your logical mind.

And then this follow up:

God, what do You want me to know?

Then wait. See what God brings into focus for you.

This works because God removes the false beliefs that get in the way of us forgiving. Does it always work? No, sometimes there are complications that you need to unravel.

More in a video I recently posted.

Be encouraged!


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How to fix the silence of God

How do you fix the silence of God?

This is for you if you want to carry on a two-way conversation with God, but, for some reason, He’s not talking to you.

I want to suggest a simple hack that might help you.

Before I do, let me be clear that I’m not talking about TPM, MELT, inner healing prayer, transformation prayer, or any of that. Instead, I’m talking about everyday give and take conversation with God.

Here’s the hack:

Find a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted, and ask God this question:

What have You been saying to me that I have not been willing to hear?

And then wait for an answer.

I believe God wants to carry on a two-way conversation with each of His kiddos, but sometimes we get in the way because—like Jonah—we don’t want to hear what God has to say to us. For whatever reason.

That doesn’t mean you’re a terrible person. I’m guessing almost all of us have been in this position at one point or another. I certainly have been.

And being in this position is not a show stopper, rather it just means we need to have a conversation with God about whatever He may be telling us that we’re reluctant to take in.

This is a hack that should work for many people. If it doesn’t work for you, I have another hack that should work for just about everyone else. Here’s the 8-minute video in which I share both hacks plus more information.

Have a super week!


PS. Here’s the rest of that thought…

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A Tale of Three People

A Tale of Three People

Jacee was on his way to meet Uma for the first time. He knew they would be great friends. But Zeeb was a jealous and conniving type. So Zeeb told Uma all kinds of lies about Jacee.

“Jacee pretends to be good, but he will stab you in the back.”

“Jacee hurts people, and he enjoys hurting people.”

“Jacee doesn’t care about you.”

“Remember that bad thing that happened to you? Jacee was behind it.”

And so on.

When Jacee got to Uma’s house, Uma locked the door and shouted out the window: “Go away! I don’t want you here!”

As you probably guessed, this is a parable. Jacee is Jesus. Zeeb is evil—the devil, his agents, every kind of lying evil. And Uma is humanity—you and me.

This parable explains almost everything that has gone wrong with humanity—from homelessness to home invasions, from war to worry. It explains why people embrace false religion or shun religion altogether. It explains why many Christians are lackadaisical about their faith.

Somebody lied to us about God. Somebody lied to us about Jesus.

And we swallowed the lie. As a result, we exclude Him. We keep Him at a safe distance. Or we embrace a religion of dysfunction, abuse, and hate.

This explains most of my life. For most of my life, I swallowed the lie that God was aloof and uncaring.

To be clear: My theology said otherwise. My theology said God was love. But I didn’t really believe it. Not deep down. I didn’t think God liked me. I didn’t think He would ever want to hang out with me. I didn’t think God cared.

After all, I was just a sinner, right? I was just a guy who couldn’t get it right no matter how hard I tried. Sure I prayed, but God turned down 99% of my prayers because they weren’t His will. And His will didn’t care about me.

As a result of all this, I was hurting inside and I hurt the people around me.

But about 25 years ago I made a discovery. God is not who I thought He was. When I hurt, He hurt. I never knew that before. When I was feeling pain, He cared. I had no idea that was true. I discovered that He liked me. I discovered that I could share all my deepest secrets with Him, and He wouldn’t stab me in the back. In fact, when I shared painful memories with Him, He stepped into those painful places and brought comfort, healing, and peace.

I discovered God liked me. He liked hanging out with me. That I was safe with Him.

Discovering the truth about God is not something that you’ll typically find in a theology book, or in many ways even by reading the Bible.

But the Bible does give the formula for that discovery:

“Taste and see that the Lord is good.” (Psalm 34)

We need to get over our fear and taste. Then we see. God is good.


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A word we cannot forget

I’m baking today, but thought I would take a few minutes while the dough is rising to talk about a word:


Now there’s a word that’s fading from our vocabulary. I suspect it’s because it is a word that is so frequently misunderstood.

For many, I think, “repent” brings up an image of a sign-carrying, confrontational street preacher telling you that you need to turn away from his favorite list of sins. No wonder people cringe.

For a long time, I thought repentance was about making a U-turn. Yesterday, I was sinning. Today, I’m not. See, I repented.

And I also used to debate in my own mind whether repentance was needed to get you through the door into heaven. No, I thought, probably not. After all, we’re saved by grace and the only requirement is that we believe.

That’s what I used to think.

Now I am quite sure that we cannot see the inside of heaven unless we repent. Peter puts it this way: “The Lord … is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9 NIV)

If only we knew what it meant.

As I say, I used to think repentance was a change of behavior.

But that’s not technically correct. Repentance is a change of mindset, a change of perspective, a paradigm shift. The behavior change is the result of repentance.

And here’s why you and I need it to get into heaven. Heaven is populated with people who are always loving, always patient, always kind, always joyful, always good. Is that you? Is that me? I expect not. So something needs to happen to us before we can walk the streets of gold. That something is repentance.

Let me offer a definition: Repentance is the process by which we come into alignment with the heart and mind of God. We start thinking the way God thinks. We want what God wants. We love what God loves. We hate what God hates.

And we cannot do that on our own. That’s why repentance is granted to us. (2 Timothy 2:25)

Like the air we breathe, repentance is a gift from God. It’s freely available. All we need to do is ask.

Let me explain how to do that.

When we find some area of our lives that’s out of alignment with what God wants for us, we have an honest conversation with God.

“You, God, want me to do X. I want to do Y. Here’s why I want to do Y. Here’s what I think I’ll lose if I do X. That’s my perspective; but I could be wrong. What do You want me to know?”

If we’re humble enough to listen to God, then He will rewire our thinking so that our hearts start to come into alignment with His heart.

It’s actually a beautiful thing when that happens. Anxiety gives way to peace. Shame evaporates. Unrighteous anger melts away. Dull, dreary depression lifts. It’s like the sun coming out after a storm. Life is so much better, you never want to go back.

And, yes, there’s much more to this. Memories. Lies. MELT. Gut-level beliefs. Solutions. Conclusions. And more.

But the path to repentance is pretty clear: Find the courage to be honest with yourself and with God about what’s really going on, and have the humility to listen to God Himself when He has something He wants to tell you.

Repent! It’s central to the Christian life, and it’s a word we cannot allow ourselves to forget.

Have a super weekend. Happy Easter!


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From Dwight: One question survey

Hope all is going well for you. I have a quick question. Maybe you can help me out. I would like to reach more people this year with the message God has given me, and I need to think through how to do that. In the process, I need some info from you.

Here’s my question: How would you describe the content I create to someone who has never read any of my books, watched any of my videos, or read any of my posts? (To put it another way: The content I create—who is it for and how does it help? Or how has the content helped you?—assuming it has)

I have my own ideas on this, of course, but I wanted to reach out to you to get your input. If you’re receving this by email, hit reply. If you’re reading this online, you should be able to get to my contact page by clicking my photo.


Speaking of email. I’m so sorry that some of you haven’t been receiving my messages recently. There was a technical problem. I think I’ve fixed it. (I hope.) If you want to catch up on recent messages, here’s the link.

Many blessings!


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Personal update with pictures

On the night of August 12, 2020, we got a call from the Madison Police. My mom heard a noise on her bedroom window screen. My mom is legally blind, so she couldn’t really see anything in the dark, but she assumed it was a squirrel and closed the window. A few moments later, she heard the same noise on her other bedroom window.

Then she realized someone was breaking into her apartment.

She called the police; they arrived; the perpetrator was never identified or caught. From that night forward, a member of our family spent the night at Mom’s apartment for the next several months.

Mom’s neighborhood had been going downhill. There were shootings within a block of her apartment. One time, Kim and I needed to walk past a drug deal in progress in order to get to her front door.

Mom said she would move if—and only if—we would build an apartment onto our modest home so she could live with us but still have her own place.

We didn’t have the money.


The week after July 4, 2021, Mom made a couple trips to the emergency room. After an initial misdiagnosis, it was finally determined that she had a bowel obstruction. She spent the next five weeks in the hospital including emergency surgery one night when she nearly died.

After that, my wife Kim became Mom’s full time caregiver.

Since Mom’s apartment was 45 minutes from our home, that meant that Kim spent most of the week—sometimes the entire week there.

It started out as a temporary arrangement. It became permanent. On a good week, Kim was home for the weekend. On a bad week, she wasn’t home at all.

That was getting old.

So in the summer of 2023, we revisited the idea of adding an apartment onto our home. This time we were able to secure funding, and we made the decision to move forward.

Since July 2023 my life has revolved around working with contractors to:

  • move the propane tank
  • cut down more than a dozen trees (I hate cutting down trees, but I had no choice)
  • have plans drafted
  • get zoning and building permits and inspections
  • excavate (dig a big hole with heavy equipment)
  • put plumbing in place
  • pour an insulated concrete slab
  • build exterior and interior walls
  • install windows
  • expand the septic drain field
  • open up our attic to discover we had mold from improperly installed bathroom vents; get that remediated
  • put roof trusses in place
  • tie in electric and plumbing
  • add shingles and siding
  • install insulation and drywall
  • finish the drywall and paint
  • pick out, buy, and install flooring, doors, trim, light fixtures, and more
  • install a previously owned kitchen (that Kim had the foresight to snag several months earlier)

and a hundred other details.

Sometimes that involved hands-on work by yours truly. More often it involved making brownies and cookies for workers, listening to their stories, and being a friend.

Somewhere early on, God spoke to me and said, “This is your full time job—getting your mom moved.” So I put everything else that wasn’t essential on hold until…

The day before Valentines Day we got Mom moved to her new apartment, a four second walk from our kitchen.

I’m so grateful for all the help I received from many sources. Ron Benoy and his team were great as our general contractor. Mike and Zoe drove down from New Hampshire and spent more than two weeks helping us figure out and install much of the kitchen and bathroom, and helped in many other ways as well. My brother Dan contributed leftover LVP flooring which worked great and then he and Cindy drove up from Indiana to help on a couple different occasions. People helped financially—I don’t think it would be right to mention their names, but you know who you are, and please know how grateful we are. And of course, I’m skipping over many others who helped in many ways, not the least of which are my wife Kim, and our kiddos Liza, Hans, Alan, and Sally.

Now that Mom is moved in, I’m helping with a couple dozen odds and ends like getting her voter registration changed and installing a shelf above the hot water heater.

But I’m starting to turn my attention to what’s next. While I’m tempted to finish and publish two books I’ve been working on, I think the Lord wants me to focus my energies on building connections with people He wants to help through me.

That’s easier said than done. There’s a glut of Christian content out there, and I find it challenging to take the half second of attention I’m granted by a stranger and use it to convince them that I have something of value for them, something they won’t easily find somewhere else.

But I believe I have some direction from the Lord, and it looks like some of it will involve YouTube, so we’ll see what happens, and I’ll keep you posted.

Meanwhile, here’s a Facebook post you might find interesting.

And here are some photos from the building project:

A couple of the trees we had to cut down were over 80 feet tall
Pouring concrete
Shopping for doors
Putting walls in place
It starts to take shape
Wires and plumbing and heat
Mom likes lavendar
I had no idea how to create a kitchen. I would have been lost without Mike and his help
Found this bathroom vanity at Restore for $25. (The top I bought at Menards.)
Hanging the first picture on the wall. It’s starting to feel like home!

Mom’s a little camera shy or I would have included a photo of her also. But I think she likes it here. And I’m so grateful to God for bringing her and my wife safely home.

Be blessed!


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Why I don’t (typically) debate atheists

When I was a young Christian, I couldn’t wait until I learned all the arguments so I could defeat any atheist in a debate. Now that I’m an older Christian, I know all the arguments I need to know, yet I rarely, if ever, debate atheists.


Good reasons.

To begin with, suppose I could, in the space of an hour, dismantle your entire belief system—whatever that belief system may be. Would you want me to do that to you?

I wouldn’t want someone doing that to me.

Our belief systems form an armor that protects something very vulnerable inside us. To tear apart someone else’s belief system simply because I can would be a form of bullying.

And I’m not a bully.

“Wait a second!” I hear you saying. “Our belief systems have eternal consequences. And some belief systems are wrong.”

Yes, that’s true, and yeah, they are.

But how will I persuade someone to abandon the armor of their current belief system, enter that very vulnerable place where they are intellectually and emotionally defenseless, before they take on a new belief system?

Will I persuade them by arguing or debating with them?

Almost certainly not. Even if I win every one of the debates.

No. But I may persuade them by helping them feel safe enough to give God a try.

In the Psalms, David writes, “Taste and see! God is good.” (Psalm 34:8)

Why do people reject God?

In their minds, they tell themselves they have looked at the evidence, and the evidence supports living in a universe without God.

But at a deeper level, here’s the real reason: They don’t feel safe with God.

And I don’t blame them to be honest with you. Almost all of us have life experiences that seem to tell us God is a monster. Figuring out that He’s not a monster is a journey for each of us.

I used to think my dad was a monster. But over time, I figured out that he wasn’t. He was a broken man trying to be whole just like all the rest of us, but he was a good guy who was trying his best. I’m grateful he was my dad, and I look forward to being reunited with him in heaven.

Our journey with God takes us through a similar process.

As we begin to experience the real God, His goodness and His love melt away all these defenses we no longer need. We no longer need to “prove” He doesn’t exist because here He is, right in front of us.

Maybe this is why Paul says to Timothy, “Don’t argue with people. That destroys relationships. Instead, be kind to everyone. Don’t take it personally when people insult you. Instead, gently help others see the possibilities of truth, hoping that God will empower them to experience the change in perspective that will open up the real world of His love.” (My paraphrase of 2 Timothy 2:23-25.)

Would I ever debate an atheist?

I don’t know.

For the reasons outlined, I don’t really want to. I just want to be a friend.

Have a great week!


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