If we were a Christian nation

For many people, this is their greatest fear. For others, this is their greatest hope. What would our country look like if we were truly, 100%, a Christian nation?

Let me offer some observations.

To begin with, no one would be lonely. Ever. Everyone would have an abundance of friends. There would be no divide, no culture war. Instead, all relationships would be characterized by understanding, respect, trust, and love.

We would be a nation of truth tellers. Everyone—politicians and journalists included—would be trustworthy and trusted. No one would be deceived or trying to deceive.

Elections would not divide the country into winners and losers. Instead, they would unite our country around our common values. Candidates would meet often—not to debate—but to collaborate on how best to serve the people. The candidates would be friends.

There would be no bullying, gaslighting, mud slinging, narcissism, con artists, or anything like that.

Any person of any age, gender, race, or look could walk down any street in any neighborhood any time day or night and be perfectly safe. Good people—no matter what they looked like—would never have anything to fear from the police.

Unions would be unnecessary because employers would be outdoing each other to take good care of their employees. The wealthy would be leading the way in serving the needy. There would be no real poverty because we would see ourselves as on the same team, and we would do what we could to bring out the best in everyone.

You could expect breakthroughs in technology, energy, and learning because we would be a nation of high functioning people.

Children—almost without exception—would grow up in stable, loving, two parent families. Marriages would be happy and healthy with divorce almost unknown. Addictions would be unheard of. (And, yeah, no judgment here. I get it. Life happens. But I’m describing what God desires for us.)

Gratitude would characterize the national mood rather than resentment, victimhood, entitlement, or arrogance.

Pain lies, limiting beliefs, bad tapes playing in your head—whatever you want to call it—messages like I’m not lovable, I don’t have what it takes, I’m not safe, I’m human garbage—and any of a thousand other negative messages—all would be vanquished. They would no longer feel true at any level.

That, in my view, is what it would mean to truly live in a Christian nation.

Why are people afraid of this? Because they don’t understand it. They imagine it must be top down, outside in, coerced, with someone in control sending out the religious police to enforce rules nobody wants to follow.

But that’s not what it is.

The Kingdom of God is bottom up, inside out, voluntary. It doesn’t begin until you say yes.

But if this does sound good to you, what’s the next step?

Invite Jesus in. Invite Him into your life and give Him permission to be who He wants to be, do what He wants to do—not once and done, but day after day invite Him in, and watch Him transform your life.

Here’s the video version of this post

Be encouraged!


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