The Gift of Repentance

“…in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth…” 2 Timothy 2:25

Repent. Repentance.

These are Bible words–words that you don’t often see or hear, except maybe in church, or on a sandwich board sign.

But they are important words, and they are deeply misunderstood.

For most people, repent has a confrontational, negative, or even comical connotation to it. The idea is this: People are bad. God is mad. Clean up your act. Repent.

But that doesn’t begin to convey the real meaning.

Let me tell you a little story. When I was three years old, I lived on a farm with my grandparents. One day a man came onto our farm, started up Grandpa’s tractor, and drove it away.

I was hysterical, horrified. Someone was stealing Grandpa’s tractor!

But then someone who had access to more information than three-year-old me told me the truth: The man was borrowing the tractor. He had Grandpa’s permission. Everything was okay.

To repent means to change our minds, and it really carries the idea that God lets us in on something we didn’t know before–something that completely changes everything.

When we get the truth from God, our fears subside, our shame evaporates, our anger diminishes, and we are at a deep, deep level… okay.

It is a gift. Given by God.

You need it. I need it. We all need it.

More in this video…

Be encouraged!


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