I didn’t believe him at the time, but now I do…

About 35 years ago, a pastor friend of mine said to me, “How you think about God changes everything.”

I didn’t really believe him at the time. But now I do.

How we think about God—at a deep level—changes how we experience life, and it changes all the choices that we make. It determines whether we make God the center of our lives or whether we make Him a hobby or throw Him out altogether.

We live in a messed up, broken world. And why is it broken? Because ever since the serpent whispered, “Did God really say…?” our thinking about God has been broken.

Those of us who call ourselves Christian are not immune from wrong ideas about God. I’ve seen some pretty strange ideas of God come from churches including:
* God is my drinking buddy
* God is the mascot for my political party (both parties)
* God is a monster

No, they didn’t use those words, but I can read between the lines. And, yes, I’ve held bad ideas about God (and probably still do). I used to see God as aloof, remote, uncaring, disgusted with me.

In my latest book, How to Fix Everything, the first chapter is How to fix God.

Does God need fixing?

Of course not. But our idea of God needs fixing, and it is the starting place to fix everything else in our lives.

If things aren’t right in our lives and we’re wondering where to start to fix the problem, we start here: fix our idea of God.

I posted a two-minute video with some added thoughts.

Be encouraged!


PS. I’m really excited about a new project I’m working on. I’m planning a step-by-step Christian discipleship program (video + pdf) that will be helpful for new and experienced Christians. If that sounds interesting, or if you have any ideas about what you’d like to see in something like that, ping me back and let me know. 🙂

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