How to fix a broken childhood

All of us have moments in the past that can create pain in the present. That’s just part of living in a broken world.

But when the past starts intruding on the present, how do we fix that? How do you take that to Jesus so He can repair the damage?

Let me give you a simple approach, followed by a recommendation. Here’s the approach:

1. Jesus, this is what happened…

2. This is where it leaves me… (This is how I’m feeling…)

3. This is what feels true… (If my feelings could talk, this is what they would say…)

4. What do you want me to know?

Take your time with each one of those four items, and give God time to speak to you.

We can’t rewrite the past, but Jesus can rewrite the impact the past has on us. Jesus can erase shame, fear, invalidation, and all kinds of negative feelings and replace them with His peace.

The key?

Getting His perspective on those false messages inside that cause us pain. You can have that perspective; all you need to do is ask.

The recommendation:

Having said that, I’ve given you a ten-second introduction to a process that can take hundreds of hours to master. If you get stuck, there are good people out there who can help. Message me, and I’ll put you in touch.

Be encouraged!


PS. This is one of many topics covered in my soon-to-be-released (Lord willing) book, How to Fix Everything.

PPS. Here’s a five-minute video with more information.

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