What is the best thing you can do for your world?

What is the best thing you can do for your world?

I asked that question on Facebook and I got some good answers.

What do you think? What is the best thing you can do for your world*?

I posted a video where I looked at nine different things you could do for your world:

#1 Get involved in politics
#2 Donate to a good cause
#3 Volunteer or go on a short term missions trip
#4 Add value with your work or your business
#5 Preach the gospel—the big gospel, the one where Jesus changes everything that went wrong
#6 Follow Jesus—be an example, be the best version of yourself (thanks, Dana!)
#7 Be kind—see the opportunity that is right in front of you, Golden Rule, Matthew 25
#8 Pray—I talked about “drive by” prayers among other things
#9 Love—the 1 Corinthians 13 prescription… (and I shared that buffet story)

But I think there’s something even more foundational and important, something we all need to do first if we really want to make our world a better place.

Do you know what it is?

Can you guess?

I believe the best thing you can do for your world is let yourself be loved by God.

Here’s why. We love because God loved us. (1 John 4:19) When we experience the love of God, it transforms us. It changes us. It makes us into better people. It takes the mean and ornery away and replaces it with kindness, with wisdom, with grace, with the power to use our influence for good and not for evil.

More in the video. Here’s the link

Have a fantastic week!


(*The John 3:16 world, not the 1 John 2:16 world.)
Image: collage from Pexels.com images…

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