10 Things Christians Who Change Their World Understand

#1 It’s baked into our identity. God created us in His image, and God is a world changer. Every decision we make affects others including people we will never meet in this life.

#2 Jesus gave us the assignment to change our world. The Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20 tells us to make disciples of all nations teaching them to obey everything He has commanded. Imagine a world like that! That is a changed world, and that is our assignment.

#3 Your assignment is for you. You can’t use a proxy. You can’t hire a professional clergyman to do it for you. It rests on you and you alone. Your assignment is for you.

#4 Your specific assignment is unique to you. No one else can do exactly what you were called to do. You alone have the gifts, the connections, the personality, the placement to carry out your mission.

#5 Our assignment has consequence. You and I were sent here to bring eternal good into many lives. If we don’t carry out our assignment, I don’t know if there’s a way to measure the loss.

#6 You and I are accountable for completing our assignment. We will need to turn in your homework. We will report to Jesus, and He will ask us what you did with the assignment He gave us.

#7 You are uniquely equipped to carry out your assignment. You have been given the tools you need and the opportunity to acquire the skills you need. Nobody is better qualified than you to do what God has asked you to do.

#8 The ticket to heaven comes with transformation attached to it. If your ticket does not have transformation attached to it, maybe you got a ticket to a different destination.

#9 Our job is not just to put people on the train to heaven. Our job is also to bring heaven to earth.

#10 We fix ourselves before we fix our world.

Bonus: #11 We’re better together.

Here’s the video…

In case you’re interested, I’ve identified five Kingdom Styles—that is, different ways that God has equipped us to bring good into our world. I also created a free, quick and easy quiz to help you identify your Kingdom Style. I need some people to try out the quiz and give me feedback. If that’s you, let me know, and I’ll send you a link.



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