About Dwight Clough Ministries
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My name, Dwight Clough, means "light in the valley." As God has unfolded His work in me, He has empowered me to bring Light into dark valleys for many people. I've walked through valleys of abuse, poverty, rape, bankruptcy, divorce, rejection, cancer and death with those who are dear to me and dear to God. As a result, I've discovered two things: One, I no longer have the answers. Two, everywhere I go I carry the Answer with me.
Our tagline is "Encouragement for real life." This is something far more than positive thinking. This is finding ways to connect with Jesus as we go through life's valleys. I really believe that when Jesus shows up, everything changes. I believe it not only because the Bible teaches it, but also because I've experienced it. I know what it is to go from turmoil to complete peace, not because the circumstances changed, but because Jesus showed up and permanently changed me from the inside out. I know He will do the same for you.When Jesus shows up, everything changes! Jesus is strong enough to bring light into the darkest places. Multitudes of people – Christian and non - struggle with everything from abuse to bankruptcy, from cancer to divorce, but don't know how to bring Jesus into the places of their greatest need. Our mission is to change that. We want you to know how to access the grace of God for real life, real struggles. Hundreds of people from dozens of countries have written to say how much the ministry of DwightClough.com has helped them. By helping us help them, you are making an eternal difference for good. Thank you for supporting this ministry!
What happens when you partner with Dwight Clough Ministries? Victims of violent crimes and survivors of abuse are finding peace, wholeness, the power to forgive and the strength to set boundaries. Those ensnared by addictions are finding freedom. Marriages are being restored. Families are strengthened. Christian brothers and sisters in restricted lands who face persecution are finding strength and encouragement. Young believers are learning how to walk with the Lord, and people are coming into the faith for the first time. None of this happens as a result of one person's efforts, but rather this is God's work as He blesses the sacrifice of many people including yourself. We partner with you, with other ministries, and, most significantly, with the Lord. That's how the supernatural happens. In this "about" section, I've included information on how to contact us, our beliefs, how to support this ministry, other worthy ministries we support, and so on. See the index below.
Here's the quick summary on us:
Dwight Clough, Author, Ghostwriter, Prayer Minister, Empower Good Founder
Kim Clough, Prayer Minister & Mentor, Homeschooling Mother of Four
Dwight Clough Ministries Inc., founded 2004, a 501(c)3 public charity
Dwight's background
- Born 1957
- Born again 1968
- Married once, Kim, 1978 - present
- Four children
- Graduating Class Speaker, Moody Bible Institute, 1978
- First Place, National Writing Contest, The Christian Reader, 1991
- Author, Weathering Storms, 1999
- Coauthor, The Blue-Collar Prophet, 2002
- Coauthor, Amazing Faith, 2003 (Moody Publishers)
- Author, The Gift of Transformation, 2005
- "Discoveries Devotional - Inspiration in Your Inbox" daily since 2002
- Active member, Lake City Church since 1986
- Board of Directors, CrossCounsel, a prayer & emotional healing ministry
- Prayer minister / trainer / mentor since 2002
- Freelance writer for clients since 1983, focusing on web development since 2007