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A $75 donation underwrites a prayer ministry session.
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I recommend Dwight Clough's site for anybody who is hungry for God.
- Evangelist Tom Stamman
"Quite some time ago, I used to ask God for an angel that could answer to all my questions. An angel for company and comfort. But not long ago, I started receiving your emails (Discoveries), honestly, I haven’t got a clue how or when did I sign up. The unthinkable is, every message you sent that I have read was exactly the answers I needed to face the situation at hand. Strange, right? But I really do think God answered my prayer. He sent me an angel through you. Your messages seem to be God’s words to me. Answering me, teaching me. I am grateful for this heavenly gift and I would like you to share this miracle I received from the Father."
"Your book is therapy for me . . . you have struck gold . . . there is "life" in your book. I found myself laughing and crying . . . I believe I saw what God must think of me ... "
"Thank you for sending these devotions everyday! They are awesome! Today's devotional was exactly what I have been thinking about and how to battle this such issue! Keep up your awesome ministry!"
"The first thing I do every morning when I turn on the computer is to read your encouraging message. You have blessed my heart and improved my daily meditation on the word of God. . . . I am writing this mail from Dar es salaam, Tanzania, East Africa."
"i really have to thank you for your encouraging words they almost make me feel as if there coming right from the lord himself"
"Dwight, i am originally from uganda, but i live and work in the UK. But i send the your inspirations almost across the globe. God bless your unselish heart."