Your access to Inner Wealth and more

Over the last several decades I’ve searched for answers to tough questions like these:

  • How do you forgive people you don’t feel like forgiving?
  • How do you overcome guilt, shame, and condemnation?
  • Can Jesus help with anxiety and panic?
  • How do you overcome a painful past?
  • How do you overcome lust and pornography? (There’s gotta be something better than accountability groups! —and, yes, there is!)
  • And so on…

I contacted Christian leaders, asking them question after question. Much of the time, they either didn’t know the answer, or didn’t want to take the time to share it with me. So I dug into the Bible. I’ve gone through the entire Bible reading it or listening to it on audio literally hundreds of times.

Finally, most importantly, I met with God.

And those meetings with God turned out to be life-changing. I walked away from them stronger, healthier, happier, forever transformed.

I want the same for you. That’s why I’m sharing a lifetime of knowledge and research with you.

I’m charging for this. And, no, it’s not free—for two reasons:

#1 You need to pay something. You won’t value this content if you don’t pay for it. I want to make it affordable for the vast majority of people—and if you genuinely cannot afford $99, contact me and we’ll work something out. You need to make an investment if you’re going to get any value from this.

#2 I need you to pay something. I don’t have some ministry or corporation paying me a salary. The only way I make money is when people purchase my information products or services. Your payment is my paycheck.

Here below is an outline of what you will receive. Check it out and decide if it’s for you.

Much love!


Here’s what’s included:

How to hear God’s voice. Here’s a sample of one of the dozens of videos you get instant access to when you purchase access to the Inner Wealth Archive.

How to overcome a painful past. How does the past affect us? Why doesn’t it work to just “forget the past”? How do we get free from a negative past? Video. 19:45

How to forgive others. One of the most difficult—and misunderstood—requirements of the Christian faith is to forgive those who have hurt us. This week in Inner Wealth, we’re exploring why God asks us to forgive, how it’s easy to approach it or understand it in the wrong way, and how you can find God’s grace in the real world to forgive even terrible offenses. Why does God want us to forgive? Video 6:36. Eight myths on forgiving others. Video 8:37. An example of forgiving others. Video 5:05. Step-by-step process for forgiving others. Video 6:20

How to overcome guilt, shame, and condemnation; the difference between true and false guilt, and how to deal with each. Video: 15:48

How to neutralize unpleasant emotion. Where do unpleasant emotions come from? Video 6:58. Two categories of unpleasant emotions. Video 9:30. Steps for overcoming lie-based unpleasant emotions. Video: 7:13. Steps for dealing with painful truth-based emotions. Video: 6:17

How to overcome temptation. Dealing with tests. Video: 8:05. Your first line of defense. Video: 5:07. Why Christians stumble. Video: 4:04. Steps to overcoming temptation. Video: 8:58

How to overcome inner barriers. We make resolutions or set goals, yet sometimes something seems to be holding us back. Why can’t we lose weight, write that book, finish that project? What’s holding us back? Many times it’s hidden, inner barriers that God wants to remove from our lives. The altar principle, video 4:32. Learning to identify those inner voices, video 5:21.A step-by-step process, video 5:47. Overcoming inner barriers (instruction page with embedded video 5:25)

How to overcome pornography. For decades, porn has been a major problem in the church. In recent years, we’ve finally started looking at this elephant in the room. But are accountability groups and promises the best way to battle porn? (Intended for mature audiences and not suitable for children.) Overcoming pornography—thoughts on the addiction and steps to get free. Video: 14:27. Thoughts for women who are married to porn users. Video: 9:12

Overcoming problems in marriage. How our marriage of 41 years has weathered storms and come out stronger than ever. Video. 14:49

How to overcome disabling beliefs. What do we do about those tapes that play in our minds? Video. 7:20

How to overcome fear. Fear, anxiety, worry, panic—even PTSD—what hope does God offer for all of us? Kim’s story, and a few thoughts on fear. Video. 7:01. Approaches that are NOT helpful, and what you can do instead. Video. 8:45. Two examples of overcoming fear. Video. 8:58

How to break the sin-confess-sin cycle. Video. 16:40

Sexual abuse, marriage, and healing. Somewhere between 25% and 50% of all adults are survivors of sexual abuse. In many ways it is the elephant in the room. This week we look at 5 things every survivor of sexual abuse should know. In addition, I also address marriage and Inner Wealth, as well as other avenues of healing. 5 things every survivor of sexual abuse should know. Video: 10:01. Marriage and Inner Wealth. Video: 12:09. Other avenues of healing. Video: 3:41.

Who you are and why it matters. Once we know who we really are, everything changes. Unfortunately, many people know about their “identity in Christ,” but nothing changes for them as a result of knowing that information. Why? In this week’s study, we’ll find the answer to that question, and explore how to repair the damage identity lies do to our lives. Where our identity comes from. Video: 6:02. Why the disconnect? Video: 4:49. Is it okay to have positive self esteem. Video: 5:09. Identity lies and the harm they cause. Video: 4:44. Identity, the key to change. Video: 6:05. Repairing our understanding of our identity. Video: 5:32. Christian identity study (13 page pdf)

Transformational Christianity—the big picture. Why does God allow trouble in our lives? What is God doing with us? How does faith work? Why doesn’t hard work bring about the good life God desires for us, and what can we do instead? How does Inner Wealth fit into all of this? In this video, I take you back to the big picture and show you how it all fits together. Video: 38:04



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  • Inner Wealth Subscription PLUS the Inner Wealth Course, with more than 16 hours of instruction broken down into bite-sized pieces (many videos are 5-10 minutes long)—$325 value
  • PLUS Spiritual Self Defense Course$200 value
  • PLUS How to Forgive Course$47 value

That’s a $572.00 value…

IN ADDITION you get instant access to dozens of other resources.

For only $99. You get instant access the moment your PayPal transaction completes.

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MORE of what you get …

Straighten up! Ever hear that before? Why doesn’t it work? Here’s what can we do instead. (The 4-point sermon approach to life.) Video. 14:12

Crossing over to heaven—coming to peace with the reality that this life comes to an end. Video. 10:23

Transformed by trials. How God used our financial struggles to transform me from a stressed-out person in survival mode to a person at peace enjoying the adventure God has for me. Video. 7:37

Do guilt trips work? If guilt trips don’t work, what do we do instead? How can we help people who struggle with sin? Video. 19:14

Working with a partner to experience transformation from God. Instruction page with embedded video 11:27

Learning to love. Video. 12:27

Soul healing—what it is, and why it’s for you. Video. 9:36

Freedom! How do we break free of the “try harder” treadmill into the freedom that Jesus promised when He said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free?” What does that look like in the real world, and how do we get it? Freedom is better than trying harder. Video 4:03. Steps to freedom. Video 8:50. How can we be sure this is Jesus? Video 7:01. Thoughts for leaders. Video 7:00

Restoring those who have fallen. Video. 8:02

Little known secrets to mind renewal (Romans 12:2) Video. 15:48

Overcoming anger. Video. 17:05, plus free access to Dwight’s course on how to forgive ($47 value)

Dealing with doubt. How do you overcome doubt? Video. 20:38

What makes addiction so powerful and how do you overcome it? Video. 13:50

Overcoming failure. How do you bounce back? Video. 23:28

Dealing with Difficult People. Video. 10:51

The Role of Emotion in Faith. Can we trust our feelings? What role does emotion play in our faith? Does God care how we feel? What are our feelings good for? Video: 21:12

Spiritual maturity. What is spiritual maturity? What are we aiming for? How do we measure our progress? I pondered over this for a long time, and then I asked the Lord. The answer I got was surprisingly simple, yet it changes everything. What spiritual maturity is not. Video: 12:36. What spiritual maturity is and how NOT to get it. Video: 9:12. How to obtain spiritual maturity. Video: 15:12

Lies, lies, lies! “I’m not gullible, so I’m not deceived, right?” That’s what I thought for many years. Then I discovered how totally wrong I was. Smart, streetwise, good people are routinely deceived—I’m including myself, and I’m including you. This week we’ll look at why deception is so dangerous and how all of us have been deceived. I’ll explain how it’s possible to believe a lie even when you know it’s not true. And I’ll show steps you can take to get free from deception. Why deception is dangerous. Video: 4:32. How we are deceived. Video: 6:33. Four types of lies. Video: 6:07. Getting free of deception. Video: 4:05

When Christian leaders disappoint. Video: 10:44

Transformation Prayer Ministry. A brief history. Video: 7:16. TPM process map basics. Video: 13:17. TPM process map, solutions box. Video: 9:37. TPM process map—dealing with anger. Video: 10:14

Are we good or are we evil? Are we basically good or basically evil? This is an important question, and I think the answer may surprise you. Are we good or are we evil? In this video (17:30), I take a look at that question from several different perspectives. Can we really live a good life? Video. 3:37. Are we constantly sinning? Video. 4:41. The alternative to self confidence. Video. 3:33. Get real! Video. 2:47. The vacuum principle. Video. 3:00. Overcoming temptation, sin, and addiction. Video. 4:11.

Cultivating a meaningful relationship with God. Video: 18:11

Sacred pathways—unique ways in which we relate to God. Video: 15:59 plus pdf resource (external site)

How to hear the voice of God. Video: 23:14

Transformation Prayer Ministry (TPM) TPM takes the principles of Inner Wealth and Spiritual Self Defense and places them in a structured process that allows one person to help another person meet with God in a transformative way. We’ll look at what TPM is, how it helps, who it helps, where it comes from, and what you need to know if you want to receive—or provide—TPM ministry. What is TPM and who does it help? Video 10:39. Where did TPM come from and is it Biblical? Video 8:51. What you need to know if you want to receive TPM Video 8:13. What you need to know if you want to provide TPM for others. Video 8:33

Paradigm shifts. How do we grow? Probably the most powerful way in which we grow is this: experiencing paradigm shifts. When God opens our eyes to the reality we couldn’t previously see, destructive lies are removed, and transforming truth remains. God wants to take us through a series of paradigms shifts, and, once He does, nothing will be the same. What are paradigm shifts? Video 4:39. Paradigm shifts and the wall in your mind. Video 7:31. The connection between paradigm shifts and growth. Video 4:29. How Inner Wealth changes our view of God. Video 4:17

The role of the past in your transformation. What role does the past play in your transformation? How do you overcome a painful past? Should you forget the past? Why doesn’t that work, and what can you do instead? How do you safely process painful memories? How and why the past matters. Video 4:17. Why we can’t forget the past and why Philippians 3:13 does NOT teach that we should. Video 5:04. Safeguards to observe when processing past memories. Video 4:36. Steps for processing past memories. Video 4:24

Sustainable change aka true repentance. If you’ve ever tried to break a bad habit or get free from a life controlling issue, then you know how difficult it can be to change. The Bible talks about the process of change, but for many years I didn’t understand how that process worked. Once I figured it out, wow! The most profound change is almost effortless, if you understand how that process works. The Bible talks about sustainable change, but many people have wrong ideas about how that works. Video 5:21. How does sustainable change really take place? Video 4:11. True repentance is a gift from God. Video 4:45. Here’s an example of repentance from my own life. Video 4:26

The Inner Wealth course
Lesson #1: What is Inner Wealth? (video 5:42)
Lesson #2: How inner wealth changes our view of God (video 4:17)
Lesson #3: How inner wealth makes it easy to apologize (video 3:02)
Lesson #4: How inner wealth makes it easier to forgive others (video 2:43)
Lesson #5: Is “inner wealth” found in the Bible? (video 7:20)
Lesson #6: The supernatural life vs. the admirable life (video 4:49)
Lesson #7: Spiritual disciplines and Inner Wealth (video 3:38)
Lesson #8: The wall in our minds (video 15:55)
Lesson #9: Principles of Inner Wealth (reference page)
Lesson #10: Overcoming inner barriers (instruction page with embedded video 5:25)
Lesson #11: Overcoming life-controlling issues (instruction page with embedded video 5:13)
Lesson #12: Overcoming temptation, sin, and addiction (video 4:11)
Lesson #13: Overcoming disabling beliefs (instruction page with embedded video 4:25)
Lesson #14: Overcoming a painful past (instruction page with embedded video 5:45)
Lesson #15: Overcoming bitterness and anger (instruction page with embedded video 5:34)
Lesson #16: Overcoming difficult emotions (instruction page with embedded video 6:42)
Lesson #17: Overcoming challenges caused by difficult people (instruction page with embedded video 6:09)
Lesson #18: Working with a partner (instruction page with embedded video 11:27)
Lesson #19: Overcoming guilt, shame, and condemnation (video 15:48)
Lesson #20: Added resource: Six one page guides

Instant access to Spiritual Self Defense course ($200 value)
Instant access to How to Forgive Others course ($47 value)
One page flier on forgiving others

Spiritual Self Defense one page guides (related resource)

More videos

Inner Wealth

What is inner wealth?
The supernatural life vs. the admirable life (4:49)
How inner wealth changes our view of God
How inner wealth makes it easy to apologize
How inner wealth makes it easier to forgive others
Is “inner wealth” found in the Bible?
Spiritual disciplines and inner wealth
Can you trust your feelings?
Freedom is better than trying harder
Are we constantly sinning?
The vacuum principle
The myth of busyness
Triggers: How to use them to your own advantage
Try Hard Religion 1-4: What it is (3:17)
Try Hard Religion 2-4: Where it comes from (3:30)
Try Hard Religion 3-4: How it harms (5:42)
Try Hard Religion 4-4: The Alternative (5:13)
The Truth that Sets You Free (14:16)
Overcoming guilt, shame, and condemnation (15:48)
Hearing God’s voice (23:14)
Abundant Life (20:37)
The connection between truth and peace (19:10)
The wall in our minds (15:55)

The rescue operation (Galatians 1)
How does God “wipe all tears away”?
When our eyes are opened (Luke 24)
The silence of Jesus (Matthew 15)
How God weeds out sin (Matthew 13)
Being reasonable (Isaiah 1)
Now I know (1 Kings 17)
Forgiving others releases us (Matthew 18)
The wrong prescription (Luke 18)
Supernatural life and love (Luke 6)
Like sunshine after the rain (Luke 2)
Disrupting Gods plans? No way! (Matthew 1)
Center stage (Luke 2)
Always on the move (Luke 2)
The Yes No Secret (Matthew 2)
When God rewrites our plans (Matthew 1)
Unwrapping the package of life (Matthew 1)
Healing the cancer of our souls (Matthew 1)
Do not be afraid (Luke 2)
Say yes to the adventure (Matthew 2)
Return to Bethlehem (Matthew 2)
Like sunshine after the rain (Luke 2)
Works of wonder (Luke 2)
My whole life hung in that moment (Luke 2)
Promises you can trust (Luke 2)
Just like the first six trips (Luke 2)
We are not God’s laundry (Revelation 20) (2:15)
Why following rules does not make us good (Galatians 3) (2:56)
Jesus is the solution to all our problems (Matthew 9) (3:20)
Which direction do we run? (Luke 5) (2:10)
Make room for God (Proverbs 21) (4:36)
God’s work in you (Philippians 1) (2:10)
That’s what we signed up for (Ecclesiastes 11) (2:11)
Little choices (2 Timothy 2) (4:45)
How God shows up (Matthew 4) (1:46)
Dumpster food? (Revelation 3) (2:58)
“Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer” (Revelation 2) (2:58)
This rocked my little world (Ecclesiastes 7) (3:00)
Learn how to brag (Ephesians 2) (2:26)
The trap of fear-driven hate (Mark 11) (2:17)
Yes, it matters (Ecclesiastes 12) (2:31)
Afraid of semis (Proverbs 27) (4:05)
One-of-a-kind goodness (Galatians 6) (3:50)
Truth and inner wealth (Revelation 20) (2:51)
Is there a way back? (Luke 7) (4:08)
When heaven opens (Ecclesiastes 3) (3:36)
Painful lessons (Numbers 12) (4:53)
The most dangerous lie (2 Samuel 15) (7:38)
A hidden lesson in the feeding of the 5,000 (Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:31-44; Luke 9:12-17; John 6:1-14) (2:43)
Why would the afficted rejoice? (Psalm 34) (4:19)
Make room for wonder (Ecclesiastes 5) (2:49)
When our hopes die (John 11) (3:34)
Comfort from God (Matthew 5) (2:36)
Mercy (Matthew 5) (2:16)
Pure in heart (Matthew 5) (2:28)
Why do we hide (1 Samuel 10) (1:59)
Gift of faith (Hebrews 11) (2:56)
Overcoming doubt (Hebrews 11) (3:16)
Meeting the Risen Lord (Hebrews 11) (3:03)
Holy Fear (Hebrews 11) (1:38)
Enjoy the Journey (Hebrews 11) (2:58)
Return of the King (Hebrews 11) (3:59)
Room for our dreams (Hebrews 11) (3:56)
When God doesn’t deliver (Hebrews 11) (3:43)
Sorrow turns to hope (Hebrews 11) (4:05)
No ordinary child (Hebrews 11) (3:09)
Suffering to triumph (Hebrews 11) (2:51)
No magic show (Hebrews 11) (2:52)
The campaign to set a woman free (Hebrews 11) (1:43)
Something new (Hebrews 11) (1:44)
God finds a way (1 Kings 17) (4:02)
How God reveals Himself (1 Kings 17) (2:12)
God never runs out of options (1 Kings 17) (3:21)
A few steps at a time (1 Kings 17) (2:05)
A new chapter (1 Kings 17) (2:17)
Built at the brook (1 Kings 17) (4:53)
Asking the impossible (1 Kings 17) (4:22)
The school of faith (1 Kings 17) (2:50)
Invited to experience God (1 Kings 17) (3:20)
Battle against fear (1 Kings 17) (4:48)
Doing what God asks (1 Kings 17) (2:14)
Exposed by God (1 Kings 17) (2:59)
An invisible line (1 Kings 17) (2:46)
Now I know (1 Kings 17) (2:11)
Plans of His own (1 Kings 18) (3:07)
Troubling questions (1 Kings 18) (4:21)
Gentle reminders (1 Kings 18) (1:52)
To tell the truth (1 Kings 18) (3:14)
Courage and authority (1 Kings 18) (4:09)
Why we need to experience God (1 Kings 18) (4:03)
When no one answers (1 Kings 18) (3:58)
Twelve stones (1 Kings 18) (5:10)
The fire of God (1 Kings 18) (2:25)
Acting on orders (1 Kings 18) (5:41)
Lasting authority (1 Kings 19) (2:58)
God’s wisdom (1 Kings 19) (3:29)
Passing by (1 Kings 19) (4:01)
Gentle whisper (1 Kings 19) (3:17)


Good News of Great Joy from A Beautiful Christmas
What does Jesus mean: “All will be salted with fire”?
Does God want us to cut off our hands?
Does God want us to be afraid of Him?

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12 paradigm shifts in the Bible
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Rethinking Our War on Poverty
A Beautiful Christmas
What It Means to Follow Jesus
Spiritual Self Defense (textbook and DVD)
The Gift of Transformation
Rediscover God
The Man From Sun Prairie
What I Believe About You
Free digital copy of this book
The Tyrannosaurus Who Wanted to Be a Vegetarian
How to Write and Publish Your First Book
Dove for President
How We Stole the 2016 Election (a political fantasy)
The Easy Bible Volume One
The Easy Bible Volume Two
The Easy Bible Volume Three
The Easy Bible Volume Four
Amazing Faith
Weathering Storms

Blog posts
Blog Page
My search for meaning as a Christian
Can you hack a relationship with God?
Can you hear me?
How do marriages get better?
What’s it like to experience a life-changing encounter with God?
Do you have an elevator speech?
Before and After
Who has the power to make you feel bad?
Why does God require the impossible?
Could they both be right?
No surprise
Not meant to diminish you
A burden too heavy to carry
How to Forgive course now available!
Some thoughts on respect
Some thoughts on our 40th wedding anniversary
Understanding Your Christian Faith
How can we better understand one another?
What do you like best about being a child of God?
What does it take to help someone find their way back to God?
What happens when your spiritual health improves
Who out there needs to hear your story?
How your role as a servant gives you enormous power
How you make the invisible God visible
How are you bringing God’s presence into your world?
Wonderful news about your identity
4 Reasons for you to celebrate being you
Why your biggest challenge might be your biggest advantage
What are you doing with your circles of influence?
Someone needs to learn from you
Are you making the right connections?
How do we fix what is broken in our world?
How do you help others experience God?
Discovering a new path
Your most important spiritual gift
What would you like to be?
Where did he find it?
the toolbox story
the sump pump story
the fruit tree story
What kind of father?
What’s good about the good news?
the tree of life
Are we terrified?
Or is it something else?
Amazing things
Can you relate?
What does that look like?
Imagine … (and a gift from me to you)
Just forgiven?
What does He see?
Do we?
How do we feel about this?
Sound familiar?
Of course, I would never tell …
Heart quiz
Friends or enemies?
How do we change this?
Have you?
I like you …
How about you?
the truth doctor …
Gut-level truth
Lifelong pain
Lies we still believe
How do you fix the heart?
“It’s just an elevator”
He loves me … not?
“No, this is true!”
“Don’t you care?”
Faith challenges
Something new starting today
changes coming
The rest of the gospel
25 Essential Bible Passages
Spiritual Math
What does it mean to have God as our father? Part 4
What does it mean to have God as our father? Part 3
What does it mean to have God as our father? Part 2
What it means to have God as your Father part 1
Thought you might want to know
Are we constantly sinning?
Overcoming fear and anxiety
Best Bible Reading Plan is now online!
Practical things we can do to restore someone who has stumbled
What restoration looks like
Getting honest
Rich and didn’t know it
We all do crazy things sometimes
What’s on your list?
It will all make sense
Bubble lights
Works of wonder
The ability to see
A single prayer
The Christian in financial recovery
The prosperous Christian
The destitute Christian
The Christian living by faith
The diligent Christian
Five different ways Christians experience money
What money teaches us about the heart of God
A Beautiful Christmas
What does it take to make heaven a home?
“I want to change, but I can’t!” (part 5 of 5)
“I want to change, but I can’t!” (part 4 of 5)
“I want to change, but I can’t!” (part 3 of 5)
“I want to change, but I can’t!” (part 2 of 5)
“I want to change, but I can’t!” (part 1 of 5)
A Beautiful Christmas and new resources
7 questions to ask before voting: A fresh look at Christianity and politics
A prayer for you
Pre- Miracle Territory
Coaching and new training available
Are we really wretched sinners?
Sin is the disease … Jesus is the cure
When making the right choice hurts other people
Head vs. gut
“Someone needs to change for me to be okay…”
How much happier would you like to be? Part three
How much happier would you like to be? Part two
The gospel as I understand it
How much happier would you like to be? part one
Lines of defense
Which books of the Bible are easiest to read?
How to hear the voice of God—part seven
How to hear the voice of God—part six
How to hear the voice of God—part five
How to hear the voice of God—part four
How to hear the voice of God—part three
How to hear the voice of God—part two
How to hear the voice of God – part one
Helping people in pain
The one thing that matters
When love seems far away
What do you think?
[Re]Connect with Jesus in a meaningful way
Remove guilt from your life
Bypass forbidden fruit* *to get what you really want
Overcome inner barriers
How to (more easily) forgive someone who has hurt you
How to neutralize an unpleasant emotion
No more sorrow
Understanding what it means to decrease
The doorway is pain, but the destination is peace
Where do you find your value?
You are an eternal soul temporarily occupying a mortal life
Why connecting with Jesus allows you to be you
Reclaiming your lost identity—my story
Need your help
Join the adventure
The kingdom within
God will find a way
The rule that outlasts all others
Good news of great joy
The manger
What a child understands
God with us
The journey to Bethlehem
Disturbed by the news
Forgiving does not invite abuse
Forgiving is deeper than just words
To forgive others, we must look at what really happened
The truth: Jesus can handle it
Forgiving others empowers us
Only Jesus can replace hate with love
Trading up
You can only forgive from a position of strength
Different strengths
Faith affirms the goodness of God
Faith grows
How do we get faith?
Faith opens our eyes
A lesson in faith from a John Deere tractor
Forever transformed
5 ways to fight back when your world is falling apart
4 ways to verify truth
Do you have the courage to be first?
God wants to transform your life
God wants to renew your mind
God wants to heal all your hurts
God is fixing things; we get to help
God’s heart is for the vulnerable
God cares enough to be angry at the things that are hurting you
God hurts when you hurt
God likes you
Questioning God
Why I DON’T start the gospel with, “You are a sinner”
There really is a perfect version of you
Your life—a jigsaw puzzle
Something to hang onto when your world is falling apart
Let God be who He is
How your focus changes everything
Dressing up for God?
Stand alone courage
My search
Driving test
Finding the door
Opening the door
The unique flavor of God’s love
God fragile?
Three things God wants to do for you
Truth and freedom
Try harder?
Unleash Jesus
The high cost of being right
Do we need to straighten up?
Be. Do. Have. In that order
5 things every survivor of sexual abuse needs to know
A vision for the church
Bad foundation—building falls
Good News of Great Joy
Why fishing in a bucket never works and nine other things you need to know about dating and marriage
Who is telling the truth?
What I believe about you
Secret dreams
5 ways to fight back…
Where I see Jesus
The surprising truth about judging others
How Spiritual Math Really Works
Exit strategy
Three questions every Christian leader must answer
What are we worth?
Life and death belong to God
Your prayers are treasured by God
The secret of contentment
The secret of the sealed scroll
A loss for words
What happens to our troubles when we do God’s will?
Our one power
When Adding Subtracts
The strangest encounter with God
Meeting with God
Truth rests in a Person
The deception strategy
Empowered by Jesus
Honor those who suffer
Wide open spaces of freedom
Out of our comfort zone
Don’t let yourself be deceived
What is the gospel?
The tide is coming in
How do you create a perfect world?
Giving it all away
How do we prepare for persecution?
All their vast array
God is building a mansion
True wealth is already in our possession
The path to healing
What defines who you are?
Getting at the root of things
Opportune times
Pain, empathy and obedience
Truth and temptation
A prayer for our nation
Jesus understands
Have you noticed?
The touch that makes us clean
A letter to my future son-in-law
Little by little
A plumbing story
Maybe the dance is the destination
What you have to offer
What does peace mean to you?
Built at the brook
Forgiving debts
Lies and truth
Hidden in plain sight
The antidote for anti-Christianity
I’d like to be indestructible
Are you embarrassed when people ask you to pray out loud?
Top ten life lessons #1
Top ten life lessons #2
Top ten life lessons #3
Top ten life lessons #4
Top ten life lessons #5
Top ten life lessons #6
Top ten life lessons #7
Top ten life lessons #8
Top ten life lessons #9
Top Ten Life Lessons #10
God cares for you
Our home
Seventy-five bags
Your unique place
4 reasons for sexual purity
What we all have in common
Meeting God in the valley
God leads us in the right path
God meets us in our place of weakness
God is ready
6 things you need to know about suffering and evil
The suffering of God
10 thoughts about your online presence as a Christian
Take the high road
Plenty of time
An act of worship
We will stand in awe of God
Need a faith lift? I think you’ll enjoy this book
It means peace
The cure for double-mindedness
Discover God’s love for you
Keep watch
The inevitable triumph of Jesus
Steps to forgiving others
Jesus makes the impossible easy
Trading up with anger
Righteous anger
Jesus can be trusted with our brokenness
Your feelings matter
Your story matters
Questions we cannot answer
Prescription or description?
Someone who may seem not quite right to us may be very right with God
What problem are we trying to solve?
Want to be transformed? Let God speak to you
God is at work in you
God’s gift to us
What I Believe About You – Free pdf
They see it all
Two kinds of leaders
Fear God?
Like a wave
What does it mean to be born again?
4 Principles for dating
My beef with the traditional church
The Miracle I Didn’t Expect
7 questions you must answer before you write your book
Is your writing good enough to be published?
“Prove to me that God exists”
Were rape victims punished by God?


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