Are we friends?

Are we friends?

Many people—probably you included—are really good at maintaining friendships. They do it naturally, automatically. I’m not so good at it. I need to be intentional about it, or I get wrapped up in projects and pretty soon another week has gone by without me reaching out to anybody.

So I came up with a plan.

Once a week, I’ll drop you a note—an email—and I’ll tell you something about me and I’ll ask you a question about you. (You can respond or pass—no pressure either way.)

Here are some of the stories I’ll share with you:

• The girl I met in a Tijuana prison
• The woman who shot at me with her BB gun
• A near death experience during Hurricane Katrina
• What my mom did when I told her I didn’t have any friends
• The time I almost got run over by a train
• What I learned when my son almost died
• The woman who met her children in heaven
• Bungling my first arrest

I’ll share stories in these messages that you won’t hear any other way. For my friends only. And you’re welcome to join.

Do you get my blog posts via email?
This is different, completely different.

Once a week. A note from me. A question for you. If you like that idea, here’s where you sign up: